Tonsser Tech Digest — Holidays Edition 🎄

Welcome to the first edition of the Tonsser Tech Digest — a collection of the most interesting resources that we’ve come across recently in our tech team.

Christian Planck
3 min readDec 26, 2016


Mastering Programming by Kent Beck ↗️

“I just love Kent Beck” 💚 says David Pedersen as the reason for sharing this. David constantly obsesses about becoming a better programmer so it’s no wonder he’s a big fan of software development legend Kent Beck. Check out this post to get practical advice on how to improve your programming workflow.

Building Jarvis ↗️

We’ve all been watching Zuck’s new comedy show 🙈 Here’s what Tonsser’s backend dev and machine learning enthusiast Henrik Holm has to say:

“I’m actually quite impressed that Zuckerberg managed to build an AI home assistant in 100 hours using Facebook’s own open source tools and infrastructure. I can’t wait to see where this is going!”

Swift Talk ↗️

Karlo Kristensen enjoys to get down and dirty with the many great features of the shiny new Swift programming language 💃 He strongly recommends all iOS developers to spend some time with the clever Germans on Swift Talk 🤓 🇩🇪

Engineering the Architecture Behind Uber’s New Rider App ↗️

Our passionate Android developer Thomas Nielsen found this interesting piece from the Uber engineering team about their new cross-platform mobile architecture. Thomas explains:

“Before Uber released a big app update early November 2016 their codebase dated back to 2009 and it started to show with growing complexity and inflexibility. So they started from scratch with the goal of building something that many teams can work on in parallel (like we do at Tonsser) while sharing logic and learnings between their Android and iOS teams.

They ended up with an architecture called Riblets, which seems to have many advantages compared to traditional architectures such as MVC. There are rumours of them open sourcing part of their core code using Riblets, but until then this article gives a good idea of how it is designed.”

The Great A.I. Awakening ↗️

AI and machine learning is a hot topic in the Tonsser tech team these days. Christian Planck recommends this captivating long-read about the history of machine learning and how the Google Brain team has helped accelerate the achievements within this exciting field in recent years 🤖 🚘

How to apply a design thinking, HCD, UX or any creative process from scratch ↗️

For anyone interested in design process, our Lead Designer Mads Tørk suggests having a look at this article presenting a revamp of the well known Double Diamond process. Mads says:

“I personally like to learn and get inspired on how we can improve our design process at Tonsser. Design can often be a very fluid and non-linear process, but it certainly helps to have a framework to provide some overall structure.”

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading and happy holidays to you all! 🎅🏻🎄

