Replenishing Forklift Battery Water

Ali Asghar Abbas
Tontio Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2019
Topping Off Forklift Battery Water

A lead-acid forklift battery is one of the most expensive components on a forklift truck often contributing to over 30% of the trucks total cost. Maintaining and ensuring to top off battery water is therefore essential to get the most out of your investment.

When replenishing forklift battery water it is also important to adhere to the water levels as indicated and instructed by the manufacturer. Under or overtopping forklift battery water can adversely affect run times and reduced battery performance. Maintaining ideal levels of battery water or pure water ensures optimal battery efficiency and performance.

Not having maintained forklift batteries can lead to many production inefficiencies with increased power bills and reduced operating time as a result of batteries going flat.

Why Do Forklift Battery Water Levels Reduce Overtime?

‘Battery water’ is the common term given to the liquid inside your battery cells. The actual chemical name is ‘electrolyte’ which is essentially a liquid mixture of sulphuric acid and pure water. When a battery is in use or charging it heats up, which leads to evaporation and the process of electrolysis, resulting in vapor and gas escaping through the battery cells.

Process for Electrolysis

Over time if pure water is not replenished all the water evaporates leaving behind concentrated sulphuric acid which damages not only your battery but also other components of your forklift leading to expensive and extensive damage.

Can I Use Tap Water as Battery Water?

It is highly advisable to only use pure water which is either distilled or deionized to replenish forklift batter water. Tap water has many contaminants that can damage the batteries cell plates often resulting in more harm than good.

Deionized systems like the SPS-300 can provide deionized water on site and one can also purchase deionized water in 25 Litre Canisters.

When & How Often Should You Top Battery Water?

When topping off battery water it is always important to wait until the battery is fully charged. Adding water prior to a battery being at the top of its charge can lead to increased risks of electrolyte spilling out of the cells. This is because electrolyte levels change in battery cells through a process of tidal flow. When a battery is fully charged and in the gassing phase then electrolyte levels are at their peak. If electrolyte levels are lower than indicated on a full charge then the forklift battery requires a top up of pure water.

The frequency at which one requires to top up battery water depends on several factors including age, quality, technology, temperature and charge levels. The best thing to do is to check periodically to make sure that electrolyte levels are well-maintained or set a schedule whereby all forklifts have to be checked for water battery levels on a particular day in a month.

Modern batteries come equipped with battery electrolyte indicators that alert you when battery water needs topping off. Basic monitors have a green LED light that shuts off when the battery requires topping off while more advanced indicators that have countdowns to let you know precisely when a top off is in order.

Smart Electrolyte Monitor
Basic Electrolyte Monitor

What Is The Ideal Water Level For A Forklift Battery?

Many factors regulate what the ideal water level should be in a given forklift lead acid battery. One thing is for certain, the water level should always be higher than the cell plates as these plates can be damaged if exposed to air rendering the battery useless. The best practice is to be aware of what constitutes as low levels of electrolytes and high levels of electrolytes.

Forklift Battery Cells

Low levels of electrolyte in forklift batteries increase the corrosion rate of the battery cell plates and also exposes them to oxidation. High electrolyte levels are equally damaging as it reduces battery performance and causes spills and leaks that corrode the cell tops and battery tray.

Is There An Easy Way to Top Up Forklift Batter Water?

Apart from filling up battery water by hand which is cheap and easy one can also use a watering gun or single point integrated watering system. The use of forklift battery watering guns is a relatively cheap and safe alternative of topping off battery water which prevents spillages and inaccurate pouring when filling by hand.

Forklift Battery Water Gun

Always make sure that you are wearing goggles and gloves when inspecting electrolyte levels and topping off battery water. Using protective equipment doesn’t only ensure your safety but also the safety of those around you.

To learn more about lead-acid forklift batteries repair and maintenance visit



Ali Asghar Abbas
Tontio Blog

I am a copywriting specialist that has promoted and marketed many well-renowned brands and businesses. In my non-writing time, I love to travel to new places.