Tony Cletus
Published in
9 min readSep 9, 2018

What is Computer Programming:

Computer Programming is the process of telling the computer what to do so as to solve a specific or a multi pressing problem and this is achieved by making available a consumable program most times referred to as an Application or a Software.

Computer programming sometimes referred to as Coding involves the process of giving a computer or a microprocessor a set of instructions (recipe) to solve perform a specific task.

Let’s get the big picture here… It’s funny at times when a layman takes a critical view of the computer’s functionalities and a particular application running on his device and so bewildered probably voice out words like “Oh my God! these computers are really intelligent”, Well… point of correction, in as much as the main aim of developers of a software, is to make the software consumable and insanely smart, the credits should be giving to the Programmer/Developers who out of their imagination, hard work, and creativity code and curate this intelligence that manifests in the software.

Who is Computer Programmer:

A computer programmer is a techie who uses computer codes to create computer programs or software. He/she could sometimes be referred to as a Software Developer or Coder. Why this might be seen as the simplest definition of a computer programmer it might be of great benefits to note that the work of a computer programmer is beyond just writing a software or creating computer programs. Nowadays in the tech environment, A computer programmer can be perceived to be the nerd behind an industry’s online marketing, advertising and the mainframe brainbox of the daily running of a company/industry i.e. Programmer’s services are needed in at least 8 out of 10 companies in this present computer age generation.

Career Spotlight of a computer programmer:

1.Web Designer:

Every small and large-scale business you see today needs a website to run their day to day business effectively. Point out 50 serious companies that you know doesn’t have a website, none I guess, even those who never had one before are buying the idea now, at least 3 out of the 50 pointed out if you try, might just be using some form of online advertisement or SEO to show off their company, products, services and business. There are no start-ups today that doesn’t require a website, not at all, at least for branding seek.

Now it might interest you to know that websites deal with some form of programming and in this context, the group of programmers who use codes to design these awesome sites is called web designers,

The beautiful layout, fonts, colors, grid, slides, background are designed by web designers.

A good programmer who is a web designer provides beautiful looks of a site and its behavior. Sometimes they are referred to as front-end developer. He or she knows at least HTML for markups, CSS/Bootstrap for stylings and JavaScript/jQuery for providing behavior to web pages other skills that he can possess to be more professional includes; React, Angular, Sass, Vue etc.

2. Web Developer:

You might be surprised seeing this separated from a web designer. This will clear the misconception that web design and web development are the same.

A web designer focuses on the front end of the website and a web developer specializes in the backend (Logical) aspect of the website. A webs developer is more logical, deals with more codes and dynamic nature of a website, he deals mostly with server-side languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, ASP.Net, Nodejs. He also works with Databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, CouchDB and a lot of MVC (Model View Controller) logic.

Note: Both the web designer and web developer are a complementary body just as you need Tea and bread to have a nice delicacy. They cannot do without each other. However, someone who specializes both stacks (web designer and developer) is called a full stack developer.

3. Mobile App Developer:

Now it’s about Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android Smartphones. They are everywhere, you don’t need an angel to tell you what’s getting people hooked up with these devices so much, of course, it’s the surplus Applications available to smartphone users to install and have access to. Without the Apps, No much smartphone patronage.

The two popular mobile phone platform now is ANDROID owned by Google and iOS owned by Apple Inc. Now, both platforms are doing well and are really paying. Because of the ramped distributions and demands for Smartphones, A mobile App developer can easily make profits either working for a company as an employee (iOS or Android app developer) or as a freelancer or a creating his/her own app/company and selling them on the app store.

In the world of mobile App development, you can either specialize on the User Interface phase of an App A.K.A (UI designer) or on the User Experience phase A.K.A (UX developer) and even both if you’re really determined. A UI Designer deals with the front end just like the web designer discussed above.

UX Developer handles the backend, logical, database, Dynamic, MVC of the App.

Skills Needed For Each Mobile Phone Platform:

Android Developer:

As an Android developer should be flexible with Java or Kotlin as the all-around and original programming language for Android app development, XML for the stylings (just like the normal CSS), Android Studio powered by Google as the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) something like but greater than a text editor having all the tools necessary to create android apps (SDK, compiler, emulator etc).

iOS Developer:

As an iOS Developer, it means you create apps that run on Apple’s smartphones (the iPhones, iPad) and other apple’s smart devices that can download apps from Apple’s Play store. The skill set for this platform includes Objective-c or Swift as the all-around and original programming language for iOS app creation and the XCode IDE especially for building iOS Applications.

At this point, the list with explanations will halt here since this is just an introduction. The above-listed Career spotlights are just the common opportunities available to you, ones you dive into learning programming.

Below are some other opportunities/titles opened to a determined programmer:

1. Software Engineer

2. Software/Code Analyst

3. Data Scientist (R and Python Lovers)

4. Database Manager

5. Algorithmist

6. Code instructor (online or classroom tutor)

7. Online Marketer

8. SEO Expert

9. Software Consultant

10. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Researcher

11. Robotic Engineer/Programmer

12. Hardware Programmer

13. System Analyst

14. Social Media Expert

15. Cyber Security Scientist

16. Hacker and Cracker (With Positive Intention)

17. Game’s Developer

18. Ideologist

19. Creator and Inventor

20. General Problem-Solving Geek

The List Continues…………………………………

Note: Coding can still be used in place of programming

Reasons why coding is still the most important job skill:

Computer programming jobs may be declining, but coding is becoming the most in-demand skill across industries.

Apart from companies in the technology sector, there is an increasing number of businesses relying on computer code. No wonder that eight of the top 25 jobs this year are tech positions, according to Glassdoor. A software engineer could just as easily find themselves working at Apple, Andela, Dangote Cement firm, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, And Some Other Foreign Companies etc, as they could in a hospital, Bank, Engineering Sectors or at an automotive manufacturer.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that employment specifically for computer programmers will decline 8% to 302,200 positions over the next decade as businesses outsource projects to less expensive contract workers overseas.

Seven million job openings in 2015 were in occupations that required coding skills, and programming jobs overall are growing 12% faster than the market average.

However, a new report from Burning Glass, a job market analytics firm, found that there were as many as 7 million job openings in 2015 in occupations that required coding skills. They also found that programming jobs overall are growing 12% faster than the market average. And the 4th industrial revolution which came out fully exploded in 2017 has increased the demands for computer programmers in the areas of AI (Artificial Intelligence), Robotics, Machine Learning, Nanotechnology etc.

This finding is the result of researchers broadening the scope of their analysis to include coding skills across five major job categories:

Ø Information Technology (IT) worker

Ø Data Analysts

Ø Artists and designers

Ø Engineers

Ø Scientists

The skills were defined as using a computer program to write instructions to a computer as opposed to using established applications. The researchers looked at programming languages including JavaScript and HTML for building websites, statistical programs R and SAS, AutoCAD programs for engineers, and other all-purpose programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++, Nodejs, Enterprise C# etc.

It has been clearly cited that soonest, schools would have to include computer programming as part of the language subject for primary and secondary school pupils. Not surprising though, of course, they need to be prepared for the high-tech operations that await them.

Nigeria is not excluded, Interestingly, the giant of African (Nigeria) happens to be among the top ten (10) internet users in the world after China, India, USA, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, and Russia. These means Nigeria and Africa as a whole are not left behind. With this in mind, starting to learn how to code now while the market is still boiling is one of the greatest gifts you can avail yourself.

One major revelation: Half of all programming openings are in industries outside of technology. Among them:

v Finance

v Manufacturing

v Health Care

As a result, coding has become a core skill that bolsters a candidate’s chances of commanding a high salary or even becoming a self-made billionaire within a twinkle of an eye (but most create something that solves a problem or liked by people), Burning Glass researchers found that jobs that require coding skills pay up to $22,000 per year more, on average. “For students looking to increase their potential income, few other skills open the door to as many well-paying careers,” they write in the report. Nearly half (49%) of all jobs that pay more than $58,000 require some coding skills, according to their analysis.

What’s most in demand? The report found that the highest demand was for programming languages with broad applicability. Other skills in demand include:

  • SQL — Databases
  • Java -General purpose programming
  • JavaScript -Web development
  • Linux — Computer system operations
  • XML — General purpose programming
  • C++ -General purpose programming, especially in engineering
  • C# -General purpose programming
  • Python -General purpose programming
  • .NET -General purpose programming

Obviously, positions in IT require more specialization, yet positions in science that use mathematical computing programs such as Python, don’t need them on a daily basis.

Acquiring such knowledge used to land squarely in the environs of higher education. Now we know that while tech’s current most in-demand job of data scientist usually requires an advanced degree in math and physics, programmers don’t need a computer science degree to succeed.

MIT just launched a pilot program in New Hampshire called Coding Across the Curriculum “TeachCode Academy” aimed at local NH teachers to learn how to teach code in an effort to implement computer science into the curriculum. And the proliferation of coding boot camps is making coding skills more attainable for enterprising job seekers.

Finally, this is just beyond coding and writing software. It will be our great joy that we install in young minds Application that will show them the big picture who they really are and how creative and innovative they can be to the ecosystem they live in and the world at large, Affecting and boosting the economy of their country tending to reduce human suffering and putting down their names among the game changers of technology and the noble inventors of our time.

Application of Programming to real-world Problems and improving Technology:

The applications of programming to real life or world problems and technology can never be overemphasized. However, we put forth some sectors that programming can really affect and improve with the ideas that spring forth as you begin your journey into learning how to code.

Note: No idea is little and no idea is perfect, what it needs is you, believing and working on it day by day. Just Start!

Below are the lists of areas/sectors that programming can be applied to in order to solve problems and improve tech:

📷 Health Sector

📷 Educational Sector

📷 Food & Agricultural Sector

📷 Disease Prevention

📷 Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

📷 Distribution of Resources

📷 Globalisation

📷 Banking Sector

📷 Marketing and Economics

📷 Fashion and Textile

📷 industrialization

📷 Networking

📷 Employment Opportunities

📷 Hardware / Software

📷 Power Supply

📷 Security and Protection

📷 Water and Resources Management

TonyCletus - Code To Create Ltd, Nigeria, West Africa, 2018



Tony Cletus

Helping growing companies reach their target while creating a productive environment employees love.