Airplane Passengers I Want to Banish to the Annoying Flyers Section
Better Yet? Please Stay Home
I fly a lot. It’s usually a good experience. And by good, I mean that the planes I’m in never crash, and when it comes to air travel, let’s face it, that’s the only metric that really matters.
That being said, there are certain passengers who try my patience.
Here’s a list:
Mr. Stinky food Eater We’re all sitting squished together in an enclosed space, so naturally you bring aboard and proceed to eat a biggest, stinkiest lunch you could buy in the terminal. Thanks, pal.
Madame Stinky Toes. You settle into your seat and you take your shoes off.
The only place it’s okay to remove your shoes when you’re traveling is in the security line.
Body Odor Dude