Don’t Care What You Want; This is What You Get

’Cause it’s what I want


Unsmiling young boy staring ahead defiantly
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

My sister made an offhand remark the other day during our weekly phone rambling. She said something like “Yes, I really like so-and-so, but she always writes the same type of thing with the same tone. She’s very good at that, but sometimes I just don’t want to read her for a while.”

That woke up a bunch of neurons in my aging brain, and those woke up others, which triggered a chain reaction, and in an instant my whole skull was pulsing “She’s right!”

Sometimes I feel exactly the same way. I’ll get an emailed story from a writer I really like, a writer I would enthusiastically recommend to anyone, someone whose skills most of us both admire and covet. I’ll look at the title, read the first paragraph or so, and then — gasp — delete it. No View on Medium click for that one, not today.

It’s not that I didn’t like the title or the words that followed. It’s quite possible that I would have clicked through if some other favorite writer penned it. It’s just that, right then, that day, I didn’t want to read that writers take on that subject.

That’s awful. Truly, I sometimes feel guilty for my breach of faithful attention. How could I step out on one of my faves?



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Tony’s Junk Drawer

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.