Don’t Care What You Want; This is What You Get
’Cause it’s what I want
My sister made an offhand remark the other day during our weekly phone rambling. She said something like “Yes, I really like so-and-so, but she always writes the same type of thing with the same tone. She’s very good at that, but sometimes I just don’t want to read her for a while.”
That woke up a bunch of neurons in my aging brain, and those woke up others, which triggered a chain reaction, and in an instant my whole skull was pulsing “She’s right!”
Sometimes I feel exactly the same way. I’ll get an emailed story from a writer I really like, a writer I would enthusiastically recommend to anyone, someone whose skills most of us both admire and covet. I’ll look at the title, read the first paragraph or so, and then — gasp — delete it. No View on Medium click for that one, not today.
It’s not that I didn’t like the title or the words that followed. It’s quite possible that I would have clicked through if some other favorite writer penned it. It’s just that, right then, that day, I didn’t want to read that writers take on that subject.
That’s awful. Truly, I sometimes feel guilty for my breach of faithful attention. How could I step out on one of my faves?