How and What to Write for “Tony’s Junk Drawer”
Rules and guidelines
Update: I can nominate stories for Boosting, but I strongly suggest you include both a Kicker and Subtitle. Medium doesn’t require that, but it is an established standard and your story looks odd without those.
Tony’s Junk Drawer is not categorized, but if it’s Tech or Family related, please see my other pubs:
Tech & Me is for non-geekish stories about tech — how it affects you personally, how you use it, what you like, what you hate. I’m looking for the personal here, so how-to’s are okay but only if “you” are in them — no dry “put your cursor there and click”. Programming, same thing: without a personal slant, it’s not for this publication.
Our DNA in Words is for stories about you and your family. Your kids, your parents, your siblings, what you learned from them or about them, how you learned it. What you know, what you wish you knew about those who are gone. Memories, recollections, interviews, regrets, joys, humor — you decide.