Should Medium Consider a Partial Boost?
Why all or nothing?
I don’t know how bad your nomination/acceptance ratio has to be to get booted out of the boost program, but if Medium does kick people out for lack of success, I could be getting close to a pink slip.
I hope they don’t do that, because I feel that I have nominated some darn good stories. Medium doesn’t tell me why almost all of my nominations were rejected, but I can’t believe that some were not at least very close.
That thought makes me wonder why it has to be all or nothing.
What about a little boost for a darn good landing of the horseshoe that didn’t quite latch on? Maybe boost it for a day or two? Something like that?
Sigh. Or if they can’t do that, how about checking a box or two on a standard form with reasons why the story didn’t make the grade?
Oh, well. I can nominate from all of these pubs, and I will nominate great stories. By the way, tell me if you’d like to be added as an author for all my pubs.
Tech & Me is for non-geekish stories about tech — how it affects you personally, how you use it, what you like, what you hate. I’m looking for the personal here, so how-to’s are okay but only if “you” are in them — no dry “put your cursor…