What if the Little Green Men Weren’t Aliens?
Maybe they evolved right here before us, or maybe they are AI robots
I don’t think traveling any distance beyond our own solar neighborhood will ever be possible for humans. Robots, yes, microbes, maybe, but more complex life, nope. Not unless we beat aging, but even then I think the perils and problems are too great.
I could be wrong, of course. If we become immortal and can make food from weak starlight and can avoid every single bit of debris that might cross our path over a very long journey, I’ll give it a very small “possibly.”
For the same reasons, I don’t think there are any aliens zipping around in the UAPs some people seem certain are real.
Alien robots? Possibly.
Home-grown species smarter than us? More possible, I think. Maybe we weren’t the first to start taming our environment. Maybe smarter beings than us have been here for millions of years, keep their population low and watch us for entertainment.
Or maybe they made the switch to robotic life millions of years before us.
Shrug. Maybe someday we will know. Maybe someday we will be on equal ground, although looking at our intelligence today, I tend to doubt it.