Too Many Notes | The Poetry Machine

When I Need Solutions?

When in doubt, I write poetry and paint without thought

Sana Sparks


Impressionist abstract of water and red leaves
Detail of Water Drowned in Autumn by author

I am moving things around
And see a new revelation
On blank canvas,
While sound
Fills my ears again.

Music for a dance.


Like a Sufi, round and round
The changes come to mind,
As the paint tubes bend
Into new solutions.

As long as there is breath
This is a time to live.

Create. Give.

A digital print of the full painting is available at my image store on Patreon. The link is beneath the image above.



Sana Sparks

An elder who creates magic, tells true stories, throws open the mind. understands dreams, sings wordless songs, and knows the gift of memory.