Toobit on Setting the Standard with Proof of Reserves for Unmatched Transparency and User Trust

Toobit Exchange
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2024

The disastrous collapse of FTX in late 2022 has put centralized exchanges (CEXes) under intense scrutiny from the entire crypto community. In response, many exchanges, including Toobit, have introduced their own Merkle-tree proof-of-reserves to ensure users can verify and audit their assets. While this is a significant step towards industry-wide transparency, some experts argue that proof-of-reserves alone may not be enough to fully alleviate user concerns about the security of their digital currencies. Therefore, it’s crucial for CEXes to adopt optimal best practices to enhance trust in crypto asset verification.

Understanding Proof of Reserves (PoR)

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Proof of reserves (PoR) is a verification method that demonstrates an exchange maintains its users’ digital assets. This advanced cryptographic accounting procedure utilizes a Merkle Tree structure, which simplifies complex data into smaller, more manageable chunks for faster and more efficient processing.

The primary objective is to ensure that the exchange is financially stable and possesses an amount either equal to or greater than the sum of the clients’ balances.

What Are the Importance of Proof of Reserves?

Ensuring Complete Transparency and Protecting Client Assets

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By laying all financial transactions on the table, Toobit prevents the risk of insolvency that could result from secretive practices such as loaning out more money than the collateral it holds. This transparency ensures that client assets are fully protected.

Building User Trust

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Proof-of-reserve audits offer an unbiased and honest snapshot of a crypto exchange’s financial health, enabling users to make informed decisions. The presence of PoR reassures users that their funds are backed by real assets. A larger user base, fostered by this trust, translates to greater potential profit, creating a win-win situation for both Toobit and its users.

The Crash and Burn of FTX

Photo by Sebastian Pichler on Unsplash

The downfall of FTX, once one of the world’s largest exchanges, began on November 2, 2022, when its balance sheet was leaked. It revealed that FTX’s reserves largely consisted of its native token, FTT. This revelation suggested that the value of the exchange was inflated, misleading many into believing FTX was in better financial health than it actually was. Following unspecified “recent revelations,” Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao announced that his firm would liquidate its FTT holdings. This led to a halt on FTX withdrawals on November 8, 2022. Binance initially offered to buy out FTX but withdrew the offer the next day. On November 11, FTX filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and its CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried, resigned.

The Necessity of Proof of Reserves

Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash

In the wake of FTX’s bankruptcy, the crypto industry was thrown into disarray. To calm anxious investors, crypto exchanges worldwide — including Coinbase, Binance, and Toobit — have made their Merkle tree reserve certificates public. Toobit’s robust PoR initiative is a significant leap forward in the industry’s quest for greater transparency and user trust. By covering a wide range of assets, maintaining high collateralization, and using a sophisticated wallet system, Toobit not only secures its platform but also sets a high standard for others in the industry to follow.


As the crypto market continues to evolve, initiatives like PoR will be vital in building and maintaining user confidence. However, investors should remember that PoR is just one aspect of assessing a crypto platform’s trustworthiness. Given the recent upheavals in the industry, it remains prudent to transfer assets to hardware wallets (cold wallets) for added security and stay informed about protective measures.

Overall, proof of reserves is a critical criterion for evaluating the reliability of a crypto platform. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We encourage users to proactively educate themselves on ways to protect their cryptocurrency.

Check out Toobit on Coinmarketcap for more information about PoR.

About Toobit

Toobit is a leading innovator in the cryptocurrency investment space, providing comprehensive tools and analyses to help investors harness the strengths of digital currencies. With a client-first philosophy, Toobit is reshaping the investment landscape for a decentralized future.

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Toobit Exchange

#Toobit is a global platform leading the new generation of #cryptocurrency financial services.