An attempt to document design systems

Toolabs Design System Documentation

Namık Özgür Aydın
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2020


Not the perfect solution (at least yet!) but helps you visually build your design system documentation with an easy to use editor like, enhanced with design systems related customizable widgets.

Toolabs Design System Documentation

Actually, documenting a design system seems like an oxymoron to me, because I think documentation is a part of the design system itself, and there should not be any need for a separate documentation, but anyway, maybe it is a subject of another discussion…

We planned Toolabs Design System Manager as a tool where you can create themeable design systems with tokens ranging from colors to motion; design stateful components with no-code and export as production-ready component libraries for several frameworks. The whole story is still in development, but we already began to release some features.

Last year we published a plugin for Adobe XD with which you can make your designs themeable by using design tokens from the plugin panel. We are happy that our plugin recently featured as one of the 5 useful plugins to help you create, distribute and manage a design system. But unfortunately, it was not possible to export your design tokens from the plugin.

Now, especially for plugin users of Adobe XD, we want to release the documentation feature which will also make it possible to export design tokens in several formats (i.e. CSS, Less, Saas, Swift, Android, JSON).

You can access the document editor from the design system project menu in Toolabs DSM Plugin for Adobe XD.

You can access the document editor from the design system project menu in Toolabs DSM Plugin for Adobe XD.
Toolabs Plugin panel in Adobe XD

If you have not installed the plugin yet, you can install it from here or from the Kickstart a Design System section of Adobe XD Plugins section.

We hope you will like what we have built and share your feedback with us…

