April Tooling Roundup

Christopher Biscardi
Tooling Roundup
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2018



lru-cache did a rewrite with es6 Maps and saw a code size reduction. Remember to use new language features and APIs as you can.

Build Tools

webpack proxy allows you to use a webpack loader without installing it up front. This is an interesting approach built on ensure-loaderthat could enable more zero-config tools built on webpack. ensure-loader is used to install missing dependencies whileproxy-loader is used to run the loader.

And of course, another webpack release. This time with prefetch support!

Immutable state garnered a lot of hype in the early days of flux. The ecosystem has since stabilized a bit and come back from non-JS APIs to APIs that interact with the way you expect JS to behave. This library by Brandon Dail builds on top of Immer’s draft model and exposes the behavior using React’s new createContext API. Very cool.

Webfonts can be a total pain between size, flashes of unstyled text, and a multitude of file formats. This tool serves an advanced use case for shipping subsets of a font judging by which characters the site is actually using! This makes it mostly useful for static websites (perhaps someone should integrate it with gatsby?).

Ever wanted to take a png of a React component? Well thanks to Brent Jackson, now you can and it’s stupid easy. repng(Component, options)

Back on the performance bandwagon, stop shipping gifs and use <video> instead. This guide from Malchata shows you how.

Cilium 1.0

Cilium, the BPF/XDF “API aware” networking and security layer hit their official 1.0 release. Along with the 1.0, They released a couple blog posts detailing the state of the world, a dive into linux networking, and where they want to go with future releases.


Some of my favorite features in the 1.0 are related to the kube-proxy alternative for ClusterIPs the API driven monitoring.

All Kubernetes ClusterIP services will be automatically implemented in BPF to provide a highly scalable alternative to kube-proxy for in-cluster load-balancing.

Look forward to upcoming releases with:

  • Integration with OpenTracing, Jaeger and Zipkin
  • Multi Cluster Service Routing (inter-k8s cluster)

