Dear blogger, here’s how to make more money while you sleep

Joyce Imiegha
Tools for Entrepreneurs
2 min readMar 25, 2017
Blogger’s Manual

There are two major struggles bloggers have always faced; how to get massive traffic to their websites and ultimately, how to make money from their blogs.

Are you one of those bloggers who has spent precious hours writing lots of great content, but no one really links to it? Do you optimize for search engines, but still can’t find your site anywhere in the first 100 search pages? Have you tried submitting your posts to social bookmarking sites like, but still can’t pick up a single vote?

Are you one of those bloggers who really go out of their ways to share personal ideas, experiences and solutions to general or specific problems and challenges? I mean, it is only logical and fair you make money after parting off with those super cool contents you spend hours curating, marketing & monitoring.

By content, I don’t mean poorly plagiarized or counterfeit blog posts; I am speaking strongly about originally researched and written articles, tips, reviews, stories, and other contents that are closely related to your blog or brand niche.

The amazing growth hackers at René Digital Hub compiled a solid revised publication on the solutions and walkabouts to these challenges bloggers face with this free resource aptly named, The Bloggers Manual; it is a self explanatory manual on recommended SEO practices, AdWords campaigns setup and AdSense approval process, so you can finally begin making money from your blog.

This manual critically explains how to drive traffic to your website and how to monetize your content; it has amazing and simplified information on how to write Search Engine Optimized blog posts, articles and whitepapers; how to pick for yourself the right blog niche, how to use Google AdWords, the best practice to get an AdSense approval etc.

Without much ado, head on to René and get your free copy of The Bloggers Manual.

Read and share with a friend, colleague or foe.



Joyce Imiegha
Tools for Entrepreneurs

Two sides to this coin: Survivor and Creator. I am a storyteller at night and an entrepreneur by day.