Love failure to Entrepreneur

Tools for Entrepreneurs
2 min readMar 28, 2016

She went. We broke. I startup.

Topic seems weird!!! Isn’t?..Yes, We knew Entrepreneurship rises from self confidence, dedication, inner spirit, etc. But for me, it arose from the negativity feeling that occupied me after we broke up.

And here comes the tale. I’m not interested to share you the reason, why we broke up, but the story how I overcame that. I am a developer, who grew up in the outskirts of Chennai in a middle class family where scarcity of basic needs is a usual one. The word ‘middle class’ that mentioned in previous sentence is little bit weighty in my case, so when I broke up, I didn’t decided to have that Budweiser bottle in a A/C bar that too with any of my friend, and the reason is, it costs. When I broke up, a Hall of negativity made me as it’s centre and so I used to hate and to miss things which I loved the most in the past , that includes my smartphone, 2048 game, my evening Panipoori. To overcome this, I tried to Shift+Del all my things that connects with her — I deactivated my Fb ,Instagram. Deleted her contact not only from my phone but from Google account too ,as the machine learning and social network’s advanced friends suggestions technology reached its Everest, I might get to see her profile in ‘People you may know’ feature in any of the social networks in future. While doing all these, I lighted up with a idea to make a user free from the whole connecting world for a period of time.

This lightning spark paved me the way to be Entrepreneur for my own idea. My app makes a person to keep out of the networking planet with a single click, that includes Fb, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+, etc. You might like this app if are a love failure too, as like me . Being out of the networking world doesn’t meant you are coward to face the world but you are courage enough to face the real world that gives some time to spend with your family, to read out your long back bought book, to give your car a wash, if you have one.

And this is how my Entrepreneur life started, sorry, how my Hall of negativity changed to Hall of co-working space. My application ‘Be-Out’ is yet to release for Android version and will update you people soon the release date.



Tools for Entrepreneurs

Co- Founder — - Techie - 20 something - Automated QA performer (once) - Roaming @round in Streets of Chennai -