My Advice To The Rule Breakers

Nick Moffatt
Tools for Entrepreneurs
3 min readApr 18, 2017

I don’t mean rule breaker as in vandalizing school walls, speeding on the freeway or stealing your dad’s cologne. When I say you’re a ‘Rule Breaker’, I mean you are unconventional. You do things different than the regular crowd. You don’t follow society’s rules — you create your own. You do things your way. Likely, you’re an entrepreneur, or you want to be one. This all sounds great — and society tells us to be DIFFERENT and STAND OUT. But most of us don’t. There’s a lot that comes with being a ‘Rule Breaker’ — so here’s a few things you should know.

You’re Going to Be Criticized

Look, if you want to stand out, be different, break the rules and drive in the opposite direction of traffic, you need to know that people are going to criticize you. They are going to have something to say about what you’re doing. You have to remember that these people are saying these things mostly because it’s based on their own PERSONAL experience. You have to learn to take things in — some will be beneficial to you and some won’t. Either way, you shouldn’t let anyone decide your fate or future. Stay true to you — but learn to embrace the criticism. Good or bad.

Don’t Fear Failure

This is a big one. Probably the number one reason why people don’t attempt to break the rules is because they fear failing — especially in front of others. Don’t let fear of failure blur your vision of success. When you are 95-years-old, you’re going to be the ONLY person who will look back on YOUR life. Not your parents. Not your siblings. Not your friends. Just you. You have to be satisfied with the life that you lived and I think so many people don’t realize that. If you can change your perspective in the sense that one day you will literally be the only person left to reflect on the life you lived, then maybe, just maybe, you’ll live it the way that you want to. You’ll stop fearing failure. This is one I can’t emphasize enough of.

You Have To Do Whatever It Takes

I mean WHAT EVER it takes. I have my own goals — blogging is a way of contributing to what I want to do — I prepped this article at 1 in the morning and am now writing it in the car home from Chicago. And I don’t say that to imply that what I’m doing makes me special, I’m just saying that sometimes you have to do things at times when you don’t want to. It’s important not to find excuses. If you don’t “have time” one day to write a blog post, produce a vlog or work on your business — then make time. Stay up late, work in the car, work while eating dinner. I’m telling you, if you want something bad enough you won’t let life get in the way of what you’re doing. A quote I heard a long time ago that really struck me was that “Nothing in life is really work unless you’d rather be doing something else”. So if you are passionate about what you do — pulling an all-nighter will seem almost simple. Do whatever it takes.

Breaking the rules really comes down to accepting the criticism you’ll receive, not fearing failure and taking that risk, and lastly, doing whatever it takes to succeed. I understand that it’s all a risk and it can be scary. But the risk can be well worth the reward. Be different. Be bold. Be you.

