The Best Ad of 2016

Austin Dixon
Tools for Entrepreneurs
2 min readDec 24, 2016

As a digital marketer that sees hundreds, if not thousands, of ads every day, one single post made me chuckle at how damn simple marketing can be.

Here it is:

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Why the hell does this idiot think an orange square is the best ad of the year?” I get it.

But to me, that orange square sticks out like a sore thumb in a newsfeed full of cookie-cutter influencer advertising. That orange square is a big middle finger to the brands and agencies too busy thinking about where to fly their next Instagram model that they forgot what real advertising is about:

Attracting Eyeballs.

The eloquently placed tag. The perfectly crafted caption. That beautiful f**king orange color. All of them pieced together so perfectly.

In a sea of brands competing for the attention of digital consumers, it’s refreshing to find a brand that understands the adage ‘Less is more.’ Rather than conform to the visual trends that dominate the content of social media influencers, it’s our job as marketers to be the orange square in the middle of authentically staged models holding authentically staged products.

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Austin Dixon
Tools for Entrepreneurs

I like to build brands. Currently making hair loss history @adegen >> Get my free “A-List Emails” course at