The path to entrepreneurship starts now

Kelly Mirabella
Tools for Entrepreneurs
3 min readOct 20, 2015


So you want to be a business owner? You want to make your own rules and take control of your own destiny. You want to be an entrepreneur? Then why are you sitting on the side lines? Let me let you in on a little secret: There is no right time. There is no perfect time and you are not like everyone else. You are different and that is the main ingredient to entrepreneurship.

Stop waiting. Stop watching. Stop comparing and living in fear. All of your fear, waiting, comparing will only lead you to one conclusion. Regret.

If you want to be an entrepreneur then you need to do it. As Nike says, Just do it! Stop living in the uncertain world of what if. Start living in your destiny. Start working on those dreams. Start today.

Don’t have the money? You can start learning everything you need to know today. It cost nothing to learn.

Think you are too old? That only those young 20 and 30 somethings are successful? You are not too old. You are just stuck in your own way. STOP IT. You have experience. Entrepreneurship does not care how old you are. Success does not care how old you are. You can be 8 years old and make a million. You can be 80 and publish a book that sets the world on fire.

Busy comparing yourself to all those six figure earners? Success is not defined by 6 figures. Success is what you want it to be. If you set in your mind that you want to make 50k each year and only work 30 hours per week, when you reach that goal you will have reached your idea of success. If you want to earn 6 figures, when you reach that goal you will have reached your idea of success. But guess what? It won’t just happen. You have to work hard. You have to have a plan. You have to make it happen. You have to set a road map for yourself based on your idea of success. You need to set yourself up so that you can find it. Everyone has their own path to success. Don’t compare yours to anyone else. You don’t know what took place to get there for someone else. But I can promise you one thing, no matter what success looks like to the person who achieved it, it was not easy. Stop thinking it is easy. Stop thinking that someone else’s success was overnight. Stop comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle. Stop comparing period.

If you want this. If you REALLY want to be a rule breaker. If you want to take control, if you want to charter your own path than you need to get the hell out of your own way. Because when you do, amazing things happen. You are too amazing yourself to not make amazing things happen.

You want this? Start today.



Kelly Mirabella
Tools for Entrepreneurs

Social media consultant, entrepreneur, wife, mother and all around curious soul. I have dyslexia so please excuse my horrid spelling…Enjoy my random ramblings