Tools for a Regenerative Renaissance Teaching Pack — “Soil is the Solution”

I have created these learning resources to make it easy for anyone to deliver a learning journey inspired by Tools for the Regenerative Renaissance.

Holly Jazmine
Tools for the Regenerative Renaissance


A Set of Infographics for the Tools for the Regenerative Renaissance Teaching Pack: “Soil is the Solution”

Roots in Soil-background slide

Soil is the Solution is the title for this first set of info-graphics in my Tools for a Regenerative Renaissance Teaching Pack.

The content of these slides focuses on Soil, Health, Connectivity and Renewable Power.

I welcome anyone to use these resources as they wish.

Soil is the Solution

After finishing the Tools for a Regenerative Renaissance course I felt inspired to share my learning with others, but I didn’t know where to start.

So, I decided to design these slides to make the course content simple, accessible and engaging for those who might not have met these topics before.

Soil & Worms-background slide

These images can easily make up the background of a slide show. You can personalise the learning journey that you would like to deliver by adding your own links and resources on top of these slides.

Pick and choose which slides resonate with what you would like to teach.

Carbon Sequestration

The Tools For a Regenerative Renaissance course covered many topics.

You are currently viewing

#1.Soil is the Solution — Soil, Heath, Connectivity, Renewable Power.

Future sets of slides for this Regenerative Renaissance Teaching Pack might include;

#2. Beautiful Money — Cryptocurrency (i.e. SEEDS), DeFi, Ethical Banking, Decolonising Wealth.

#3. Being Good People Together — Reinventing Organisations, Going Horizontal, Enspiral, Holacracy & Sociocracy.

#4. What’s Yours is Mine — The Commons, Stewardship, Property, Tool Libraries, Co-ops.

Healthy Soil. Healthy Food. Healthy People. Healthy Planet.
Modern Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture
Regeneration as a Tool for Building Community
Community Supported Agriculture
Land Restoration
Appropriate Technology
Land Justice & Food Sovereignty
True Cost of Food
Zero Waste & Ethical Eating
Microbiome & Health
Decentralised Connectivity

