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Toon Carpentier
My personal blog & podcast.
Podcast - It is not perfect
Podcast #1 - Justin Bettman.
Podcast #1 - Justin Bettman.
This post is actually not about me, but it is the story of Justin Bettman, the photographer who shot my profile picture. Next to his fancy…
Toon Carpentier
Dec 21, 2015
Why I decided to Live in Berlin for 6 weeks.
Why I decided to Live in Berlin for 6 weeks.
It’s the first month into my year-long sabbatical and so far I have been pretty busy.
Toon Carpentier
Feb 7, 2018
I’m taking a break.
Ever since I left university, my life has been one big roller coaster ride. I had some great adventures and worked with amazing people all…
Toon Carpentier
Jan 24, 2018
What Do I Do When I Don’t Win?
What Do I Do When I Don’t Win?
For me winning is a state of mind, same as losing. If you don’t care about losing something small, you will also allow yourself to be ok…
Toon Carpentier
Jan 31, 2016
There is no such thing as the future.
There is no such thing as the future.
Let’s take a second to appreciate the fact, that the future is just a made up concept.
Toon Carpentier
Jan 11, 2016
World Domination With A Smile.
World Domination With A Smile.
I am a big fan becoming the best version of yourself, and always try to have the biggest positive impact on the world you possible can. The…
Toon Carpentier
Jan 4, 2016
Why I spend my Sundays writing my blog and you should too.
Why I spend my Sundays writing my blog and you should too.
I do appreciate that you are reading my post, and although it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, you are not the reason why I’m…
Toon Carpentier
Dec 28, 2015
Everything I Learned Studying Physics, And Still Use Every Single Day.
Everything I Learned Studying Physics, And Still Use Every Single Day.
When I turned 18, I still had the naive ambition to understand everything, so I ended up studying physics as this is most logic place to…
Toon Carpentier
Dec 14, 2015
Some Advice To Make All Your Dreams Come True.
Some Advice To Make All Your Dreams Come True.
Sometimes there is a lot more to words. “Aggressively pursue your goals.” This sentence is my mantra, so let me break it down for you! In…
Toon Carpentier
Dec 7, 2015
I Never Drink! But No, I’m Not Straight Edge.
I Never Drink! But No, I’m Not Straight Edge.
A post dedicated to the fact I don’t drink, smoke or do any other type of drugs. I don’t think this is anything special but because getting…
Toon Carpentier
Nov 30, 2015
Get Out Of My personal space-time!
Get Out Of My personal space-time!
It’s really frustrating when people intrude into your personal space. Your personal space is immediate space that surrounds you, and it’s…
Toon Carpentier
Nov 24, 2015
Don’t Drag Me Down To Your Pity Party.
Don’t Drag Me Down To Your Pity Party.
Every so often I have people telling me that I’m ‘pretentious’, ‘arrogant’ or that ‘I really think I’m better than others’.
Toon Carpentier
Nov 5, 2015
How I Made Up My Own Profession.
How I Made Up My Own Profession.
This post was originally posted on my personal blog in June of 2013.
Toon Carpentier
Nov 3, 2015
5 Tricks I Use To Reduce The Noise
Multitasking is something only the lucky few and women are blessed with.
Toon Carpentier
Oct 28, 2015
5 Qualities That Make Me A Great Entrepreneur, But Horrible At Dating.
5 Qualities That Make Me A Great Entrepreneur, But Horrible At Dating.
I believe the best and easiest way to adopt new habits, is to first gradually implement them in your everyday life. This way they become…
Toon Carpentier
Oct 22, 2015
Value Creation VS Monetization; Why Tinder Is Better Than Facebook.
Value Creation VS Monetization; Why Tinder Is Better Than Facebook.
My goal is always to create value, not to make money. If you succeed in creating value for your customers they will happily pay you for it…
Toon Carpentier
Oct 17, 2015
Too Awesome And Rich By 25.
Too Awesome And Rich By 25.
Every time I post a photo of me in the hospital people I get worried messages as I keep forgetting not everybody knows what’s happening. So…
Toon Carpentier
Sep 27, 2015
Believe in and willingness to change.
Believe in and willingness to change.
The Single Most Important Attribute You Need To Make It Big
Toon Carpentier
Jan 26, 2014
About Toon Carpentier
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