Toorcoin & Toorister

A Project Overview & What’s in the Pipeline

Toorcoin Team
2 min readFeb 26, 2018



Do you love travel but the thought of planning your next trip seems daunting? At the airport, flying out at the end of your vacation, have you ever had this thought that you didn’t experience your vacation destination to the fullest? We are attempting to solve these problems using the power, speed and decentralization of blockchain (i.e. Toorcoin) and our highly curated content (i.e. Toorister).

Created by a team of travel enthusiasts, the Toorcoin token facilitates specialized travel. Toorcoin’s mission is to become the #1 specialized travel coin choice and a recognized brand within the travel industry. Our aim is to become the de-facto travel currency across the world without hefty fees and delays. While initially meant for use within the Toorister platform, we envision to be used on a much broader scale within the travel industry as we build out Toorister’s services.

The Toorister platform will be a travel website providing amazing travel itineraries and city guides to top destinations of the world. Carefully curated from some of the best travel resources available, these itineraries will provide users with detailed day-by-day plans of attractions to visit to maximize their travel experience in a particular city. All you’ll need to do is pick up one of our itineraries and you’d be good to go. All itineraries will be route and time optimized saving users the hassle of hours of research scrolling through multiple travel forums and blogs figuring out how to nail down that perfect itinerary.

Toorcoin will be used in the Toorister platform to facilitate payments for multiple use cases. We will cover these use cases in detail in our whitepaper (coming soon).

Who is the Team behind Toorcoin?

We have a diverse team of individuals with varying backgrounds ranging from experience in business strategy, finance, technology management, marketing, and development. Profiles of the individual team members will be included on our website and upcoming whitepaper.

What’s in the Pipeline?

The Toorcoin team is diligently working on several work-streams. While a detailed roadmap will be shared in our upcoming website and whitepaper, here are some high-level milestones to be aware about:

  • Q1 2018 — Toorcoin website launch, Toorcoin technical specs & economy model, community curation
  • Q2 2018 — Toorcoin launch, whitepaper, bounty program, detailed sneak-peak into Toorister platform

Get in Touch

Look out for more posts and details about Toorcoin and Toorister on our Medium blog. We look forward to connecting with all of you!





