Act-On Vs. HubSpot

Meg Grasmick
Top 2
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2019

Act-On 4.1 * out of 5 *

HubSpot 4.3 * out of 5 *


Building and Personalizing Emails — Act-On 8.4 * / HubSpot 8.8 *

Sending Outbound Emails — Act-On 8.8 * / HubSpot 8.9 *

Landing Pages and Forms — Act-On 7.8 * / HubSpot 8.6 *

A/B Testing — Act-On 7.8 * / HubSpot 8.2 *

Marketing Lead Database — Act-On 8.1 * / HubSpot 8.6 *

Segmentation— Act-On 8.4 * / HubSpot 8.5 *

ROI— Act-On 8.2 * / HubSpot 8.0 *

Program Management— Act-On 8.2 * / HubSpot 8.3 *

Social Engagement— Act-On 7.7 * / HubSpot 8.2 *

Performance and Reliability— Act-On 8.3 * / HubSpot 8.6 *

