The Top 7 Things Dolphins Are Saying

Larry Baum
Top 5 Science
Published in
1 min readMay 9, 2017
(The Top 5 Science humor list for 9 May 2017)

Note: An artificial intelligence company will try to understand dolphin language (

7) You know, I think the noises those humans make might be some kind of language.

6) I’ve been singing into that microphone for months and still haven’t seen a royalty check.

5) SHARK! Ha ha…made you look.

4) If we arrange these herrings in just the right way, maybe we can use them to understand what the humans are talking about.

3) Do you speak “dolphin”?

2) Do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and Savior, Flipper?

1) Fish! Fish Fish Fish Fish! Fiiiiiiiiiish!

Selected from 30 submissions from 10 contributors.
This week’s list authors are:

1: Donald Johnson, Cincinnati, OH
2: Paul Van Opens, Ellicott City, MD
3: Pete Van Opens, Oconomowoc, WI
4: Marshall Gatten, Albuquerque, NM
5: Pete Van Opens, Oconomowoc, WI
6: Paul Van Opens, Ellicott City, MD
7: Paul Wiley, Westtown, NY
List Moderator: Larry Baum, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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Copyright 2017 by Larry Baum

