(The Top 5 Science humor list for 4 July 2017)

The Top 9 Features Of Asgardia

Larry Baum
Top 5 Science
Published in
1 min readJul 4, 2017


Note: Asgardia is a “country” in space (http://cnn.it/2tjZocH).

9) No cable, but killer wifi.

8) Like everywhere, Starbucks on every corner.

7) You’re more than 100 kilometers from the nearest traffic jam.

6) Air filter technology can’t keep up with hydroponic bean technology.

5) Much like oil revenue sharing in Alaska, each citizen will receive a share of Moon Cheese.

4) No emotionless artificial intelligences will control pod bay doors or life support.

3) Those who oppose the elected government can leave anytime, through the airlock of their choice.

2) During transport your first bag is free. All subsequent bags are $100,000.

1) Few citizens understand the gravity of the situation.

Selected from 27 submissions from 9 contributors.
This week’s list authors are:

1: Roy Skogstrom, Pepeekeo, HI
2: Donald Johnson, Cincinnati, OH
3: Paul Wiley, Westtown, NY
4: Marissa Van Opens, Madison, WI
5: Paul Van Opens, Ellicott City, MD
6: Donald Johnson, Cincinnati, OH
7: James Rice, North Tustin, CA
8: Jerry Lane, Newark, NJ
9: Paul Wiley, Westtown, NY
Topic: Pete Van Opens, Oconomowoc, WI
List Moderator: Larry Baum, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Copyright 2017 by Larry Baum

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