Email Marketing: Top 5 Use Cases in 2024

Can Ozdoruk
SaaS — Top 5 Things
3 min readFeb 13, 2024

Email is not dead yet. Despite being a much less popular medium, it has a high ROI and should be part of your marketing mix. Here are five email marketing use cases:

Top 5 Use Cases for Email Marketing

1. Part of Targeted ABM: Yes, the number one way to benefit from emails is to support another channel. Account Based Marketing (ABM) has consistently been at the top of my highest-performing programs and to have an effective ABM, you need various activities to work together, including advertising and direct mailing but email, alongside InMail is mandatory to run a successful ABM campaign. More about ABM best practices can be found here.

2. Pure Outbound: Outbound marketing works as long as you’re persistent and targeting correctly. Three tips to make a 1–2% response rate go to 8% based on my experience:

a) Prioritize making your outreach “personalized”, aka relevant and educational

b) Minimize usage of automation tools like Salesloft, but use your own composer. You’ll have less volume but will get much higher conversion & less spam flags

c) Make your offer less salesy, aka you should opt-in for soft-sell vs hard-sell, i.e., “join my webinar to learn” vs. “get a demo of my fancy product”

3. Nurture Sequence: Like all good marketers, you developed gated content, i.e., white papers. Nice. Did you also plan how to keep prospects engaged post-download? Just because they had an interest in an asset, please don’t reach out with “Let’s schedule a meeting” or “Try my product free!” Oftentimes, these premature outreaches let the prospect disengage, get them frustrated, and result in an unsubscribe. Rather than trying to sell ASAP, keep educating them with your nurture emails.

4. Newsletters: A non-pushy way to brag about your product is by letting your database know all the great things happening in your company via newsletters. Based on your ICP, you might need to adjust the frequency or even segment the recipients of your newsletters: customers, prospects in MOFU/ TOFU, etc. One common mistake I’ve seen is the newsletter being used as a pure sales tool vs using it to increase user engagement. My rule of thumb is to cover non-branded industry trends & insights in 40% of your newsletter content to reduce churn.

5. Product Announcement: You should consider emails for announcing major product milestones. If a significant release has been launched recently, and you believe your database would appreciate the new feature, it’s ok to blast it to a section (or in some cases to all) of your database.

Finally, here are five tips on crafting the best emails:

  1. Spend as much time on crafting your Subject Line as you do the email body. Alongside the “from” field, SL is the critical factor for recipients to open or not your email
  2. In your email, aim to be thought-provoking, educational and create FUD (fear-uncertainty-doubt)
  3. Conduct A/B testing on everywhere you can: content, subject line, CTA, images
  4. You don’t need to write emails from scratch to make it work. Leverage tools, i.e., ChatGPT
  5. Add a brief “p.s.” section with an offer after your signature. People always read it.

Give it a shot to this high ROI channel and let me know your results. Want to learn more? Check our 5S of Emails

p.s. No automation tool is used to create this content:)



Can Ozdoruk
SaaS — Top 5 Things

SaaS Marketing Executive: Product Marketing, Demand Generation, Pipeline Development, Revenue Ops - Advisor- Speaker - ex-Nvidia