How To Choose A WordPress Web Developer?

Kayleigh Kay
Top App Development Companies
4 min readOct 5, 2019

WordPress has come under fire in the past for requiring users to install plugins to boost their level of accessibility. This is a strategy that caused the platform to receive a great deal of criticism. With the release of WordPress 5.0, many of these concerns are now being addressed in a more open forum.

When it comes to WordPress web development, accessibility is an issue that used to exist on the margins of the larger conversation. With the latest advancements, top web development companies and their clients can now come together to reap the potential benefits. Businesses and top web development companies that once considered other platforms due to a lack of accessibility are now able to get the most out of WordPress web development.

Choosing the right WordPress web developer is not always easy, though. There are a number of questions that need to be asked before a decision is able to be made. This is a fragile process that requires a certain attention to detail. Without a highly experienced web developer, the assistance that top web development companies have to offer becomes much less useful.

By taking the time to ask the following questions, a client collects the information that they need and gives themselves the tools needed to make a more informed decision. Top web development companies can offer input in this regard but the WordPress web developer’s interview is going to tell the story.

Let’s take a closer look at the questions that must be answered in full:

1. What Role Do You Envision For Yourself?

Web developers are like top web development companies in one key sense: they all have their chosen activities that they are comfortable performing. Is the candidate the type to want to take a leadership role or are they looking to spend more time in the background? What are their areas of expertise?

These questions must all be answered before a client is able to make the best decision for their company. Some developers may take more pleasure in the back end of the process than others. Other developers could be more skilled when it comes to working with the design team on crafting mainframes.

By learning more about the likes and dislikes of the WordPress developer, a client avoids the concerns that are likely to arise when they are unaware. The more a client learns about the developer’s preferences and personality, the easier their tasks become.

2. What Mistakes Have Been Made In The Past?

Whether the client is interviewing potential top web development companies or WordPress web developers, humility is key. In other words: can the potential developer admit to any of their past mistakes or are they the type to brush them under the rug? If the latter is true, this a sure sign that the client needs to be continuing their search elsewhere.

Web development for WordPress is not a simple process. Even the top developers make mistakes from time to time. The difference between the best developers and the merely mediocre is their willingness to speak candidly about their past mistakes and offer the necessary insight.

No one is perfect and there is no reason to pretend for the sake of a web development gig. Is the developer honest about their mistakes? Do they beat themselves up over them? It is important to know how the WordPress web developer is going to respond to the stresses of the job before making a hiring decision.

3. How Do You Maintain Relevancy?

Hiring a WordPress web developer that is behind the times is no fun for any of the parties involved. Finding out more about their relationship with the latest technology is crucial. Do they take the time and effort to remain on the cutting edge or are they allowing themselves to fall behind?

The latest frameworks, trends and updates must all be discussed openly. If the developer cannot offer any information about these areas, this is a sure sign that client needs to look elsewhere. The last thing that a company needs is top web development companies or web developers who are unable to provide fresh, new insights.

4. What Areas Are You Most Familiar With?

Frameworks, languages and tools all need to be discussed at this time. The top WordPress web developers tend to be proficient in a wide range of languages, frameworks and tools. Those who are too focused on one particular area are not going to be able to construct a site that works equally well for all browsers.

JavaScript, HTML and CSS knowledge is a must. If the developer is being hired to assist with any of the back end programming, it is important for the interviewer to ask about their programming language when it comes to various databases.
Don’t limit these sorts of questions to their technical knowledge. What is their level of passion? Do they have a thirst for knowledge? A WordPress web developer that is actually passionate about what they do is going to have far more success than a developer who is merely going through the motions.

The best WordPress web developers are often hard to come by. That’s why companies need to make sure that they are casting as wide of a net as possible. By taking the time to interview a wide range of developers and ask the right questions, a client is able to avoid the usual pitfalls that take place during processes of this nature. Don’t make a hiring decision without taking the time to learn more about the potential fit within the organization.

