Mobile Trends In App Development For Android

Melissa Crooks
Top App Development Companies
4 min readDec 5, 2019

Keeping up with the latest trends in mobile app technology is difficult, to say the least. Technology seems to change every time we blink our eyes. Mobile App development companies are constantly improving or creating new apps. Millions of people live on their phones daily, the demand for mobile apps continues increasing. People want apps that make their lives easier and allow them to get more done.

Current trends in this technology include Virtual reality and augmented reality. However, for those bits of technology, they still need other tools to utilize most of those apps. The Augmented version of reality will give a computerized composite of reality. Virtual reality is three-dimensional simulation.

Other apps in the list of newest technology include Accelerated Mobile Pages, also known as AMP. Then there are Progressive Web Pages. Web apps allow consumers to open pages on their mobile devices without having to download them. The AMP apps, allow pages to load quicker for the user. Both use standard HTML5 components. These are both open source platforms for high performing apps.

There are many users of mobile apps that utilize a Mobile Finance Service. Simply stated, this is an electronic wallet that lets a user store money or makes a payment to anyone from anywhere, at any time. Consumers are also able to transfer money or withdraw from their accounts. Known as mobile banking, this has saved millions of people an immense amount of time since these apps were first introduced.

One large concern in the mobile app and the newest technology is the security of these apps. Security will continue to be one of those frustrations for millions of people. For many, it seems no matter the strength of their password or other security features, they are still targeted by cybercriminals.

It has been reported that up to 75% of these mobile apps are not very secure for the consumer. For the foreseeable future, mobile app development companies will be focusing on making improvements to the security features.

It seems as though Java will be replaced soon. Kotlin/Native is a technology used to change Kotlin code into a form of native binary code. Kotlin was designed to clear all the issues that Java was going through. There is a null right written right into the typeset.

Flutter is a cross-platform designed to include two programs into one. Flutter is a faster development with features such as Hot Reloading and UIs that are quickly building. Flutter also includes widgets, animation libraries and a modern, more reactive framework.

It is also created with a layered architecture. A great aspect for Android and other mobile app development companies, they are able to use their Java or Kotlin coding to create a native iOS using Flutter.

There is now a first time ever, non-preview version of Androids OS, that is now built for IoT. Android Things is an IoT platform, however, it is created for the developers to write IoT applications. They will only need to integrate the Android API along with a certain IoT supporting library. This will then provide access to actuators and sensors.

There will be a new AI Android Assistant. In the mobile app development company world, it is already a fact that chatbots are saving time, money and resources that deal with customer relations. AI has developed suggestive shopping, and also product inclusion to already purchased items. The AI bots are becoming super advanced to the point that they do understand some very complicated commands and are able to execute them with no issues.

Instant Apps are becoming increasingly popular. Mobile App development companies designed a way to obtain instant pages. There is no need to download anything. These have become extremely popular as they give users a small taste of an app. Instant apps are most often used for eCommerce and game developers. For Ecommerce, studies show that if a consumer finds satisfaction using an instant app, they are more likely to download the full app. Consumers are also able to, for example, scan a parking meter and make a payment by opening the app on their mobile device.

Why would anyone want or need to know the latest trends? Well, for starters, app development companies continue moving forward. Also, if they are an investor, they would not want to invest in a square wheel when we now have a round wheel that moves better.

Soon enough, a newer more advanced form of motion will be developed. No one wants to be caught as a square peg in a round hole. Advancement is an unending happening. One investor does not want to remain with no profit. They need to follow or take an extra step forward and take that risk in their investment.

App development companies need to stay in a forward movement in order to keep their investors moving forward. Since technology is unavoidable, keeping up with the latest trends in technology will help keep companies ahead. When a company does not keep up with the latest technology, competitors are likely to leave them in the dust.

When any company falls behind due to not keeping up, it is a virtual death sentence for the company. Keeping up gives you and your company stability long term and also continues growth. Missed opportunities with your customers will give them access to your competitors, and therefore a loss in your revenue. Resisting the need for updating technology only shows that the company is disorganized.

Author Bio:

Melissa Crooks is Content Writer who writes for Hyperlink InfoSystem, a mobile app development company in New York, USA and India that holds the best team of skilled and expert app developers. She is a versatile tech writer and loves exploring the latest technology trends, entrepreneur and startup column. She also writes for top app development companies.



Melissa Crooks
Top App Development Companies

Content Writer who writes for Hyperlink InfoSystem - top mobile app development company.