Top 5 Reasons Why Most Mobile Apps Fail

Kenneth Evans
Top App Development Companies
4 min readSep 30, 2019

You have probably heard that 80–90 percent of the mobile app launched in-app store is abandoned just after a single use. And there are about 2.1 million Android apps and 1.8 million iOS apps on both major app stores — Google Play and Apple App stores. If you do the math, it is obvious that millions of these apps are abandoned on these app stores, even though the total number of app downloads stands at 197 billion in 2017! Apparently, this is a huge problem. So how can it be fixed? Keep reading to find out. Having said that, it is the right time to dig in.

1. A complicated app with large storage space.

Every app must have in-built features for it to work properly. To do this effectively, the purpose of the app must be stated clearly. And some of the core features must be outlined and developed. This is a very efficient way to build apps.

However, it is not uncommon to find apps on the app market that are jam-packed with lots of features, which makes the app too complicated with large storage space. This could easily be a major turn-off when people struggle to comprehend the application and find it too difficult to navigate through. This must be considered in the mobile app development / Android, iOS. To achieve this, have a limited set of tasks in mind.

This will make it very easy for users to perform the tasks they want to. And the only way to do this also is by building a single-serving gateway into a business site that offers some added information about the business. This will prevent jam-packing the app with features.

2. Improper testing

Quality assurance can only be ascertained if the mobile app testing is integrated with the mobile app development / Android, iOS process. In fact, mobile app testing is a part of it. If the testing is not incorporated with the process, it is very common to run into major design flaws and other issues, such as bugs and poor user experience. In fact, there are a lot of apps that are a rifle with bugs due to poor testing and end up crashing. If this happens, your apps will get uninstalled before users get the chance to run it on their devices.

And if you have been to app stores, you will see that this is the major complain that users talked about a lot. This is why a large chunk of apps on major app stores have garnered lots of negative reviews, which in turn will make the whole project a waste of time.

3. Security issues

Security-related issues are one of the major issues why most apps fail. If you are building an app through a proper mobile app development / Android, iOS process, one of the toughest problems you will encounter is successfully building a public-facing API that gives users access to all the functionalities and data on the server.

It is difficult to give access permissions without dealing with issues such as large risk and multiple layers of complexities. That is why myriad of programmers fail in this area as it could take more than 12 to 24 months to get this right. So it is imperative that all security issues are dealt with and properly tested before the launch date.

4. Ineffective app-launch strategies

The launch date and strategies employed during the launching of the app play a key role in the success of the app. Your pre-launch and post-launch marketing strategies should be planned extensively before the mobile app development / Android, iOS process is over. And start implementing the pre-launch marketing strategies before the app is tested for quality assurance.

This will improve your chances of success the time the app is finally released. For example, it should be part of your marketing strategies that you explore digital marketing strategies, such as email marketing, social media marketing, SEO and content marketing to spread the news of the app to millions of people.

5. Choosing the wrong platform to use

The platform you choose can play a huge role in the success of your app. This is because these platforms operate in different ways and appeal to different smartphone users. And just because they have very different intuitive interface guidelines, you need to choose the best platform to start with and build the app across the scope of devices, OS systems, and network type.

And make sure it is done professionally so that it can perform excellently in that platform through a proper mobile app development / Android, iOS process. If this does not happen, users get frustrated and the app gets abandoned, or worse uninstalled.

So if you are choosing the iOS platform, make sure the app that is developed and testing properly work on all Apple products that use apps. For example, the app should be able to work on the iPad as well as all iPhone devices. If this is not done, the app might end up abandoned.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, every app owners want their apps to be successful after the mobile app development / Android, iOS. But it is impossible to achieve the feat if important things are not put in place, or that the designers and programmers do not fix some certain issues before the app is launched.

This being said, it will suffice to say that there is a logical explanation for every app that succeeds or fail. If these things are put in place, then you should expect a successful app.

Author Bio:

Kenneth Evans is a Content Marketing Strategist for Top App Development Companies, a research platform for top app development companies in USA, UK, India, UAE, Australia and around the world. He has been contributing to various blogging platforms and Forums.



Kenneth Evans
Top App Development Companies

Kenneth Evans is Analyst and Content Marketer of top app development companies. As a Content marketer, He has been contributing to various blogging platforms.