Have I Shared How I Got Started Writing for Profit?

I studied journalism in college at the University of Maryland while I was in the US Army. I started in 1989, with primarily nights and weekend courses, and graduated in 2000, on the Dean’s List with a 3.86 GPA.

Stephen Dalton
Top Dalton’s Blog
7 min readJun 18, 2021


Top Dalton & The Write Results, LLC

It was a long journey, interrupted several times for field exercises and Drill Sergeant duty. I was a Drill Sergeant for three years.

You do not have time for anything else as a Drill Sergeant. My wife actually left me because she didn’t understand why I spent so much time working when my neighbor, who was in the Army too, came home at 5:30 pm every day. Unfortunately, she came back later.

Well, it was fortunate for my kids. Anyone in the Army should not have to raise kids on their own, though I saw many of my sisters-in-arms do it even though the Army provides daycare on most bases for a reasonable price. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Almost every Soldier has physical training at 6, or 6:30 am. That means you have to get those kids up, dressed, fed, and off to daycare way too F-N early.

In the second and third years of Drill Sergeant duty, you get a $275 per month bonus, but it doesn’t…



Stephen Dalton
Top Dalton’s Blog

Stephen Dalton is a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. Top Writer in Investing, Business, & Bitcoin!