If the Fifth Dimension is Real, What About Heaven?

Gerald R. Baron
Top-Down or Bottom-Up?
6 min readFeb 19, 2022


Photo by Karo K. on Unsplash Scientists seem to be taking the idea of a hidden fifth dimension seriously and explaining how it can answer a number of mysteries of current science. If it real, are we on the verge of seeing how heaven and earth relate?

The previous post reviewed some of the current thinking in science about the possibility of a fifth dimension. We saw that scientists, such as popular Medium writer Tim Andersen, propose an extra dimension as a means of explaining some of the greatest mysteries in science. These include virtual particles, the measurement problem, entanglement, the source of dark matter and energy, and even the nature of time.

I am completely unqualified to understand let alone try to evaluate or explain the validity of this idea. But as part of my pursuit of a Theology of Nearly Everything (TONE), I find it very intriguing. It seems to offer some possibility for answering some vexing questions including a most basic one: what is spiritual? More precisely, can spiritual reality be in a sense “physical” and located in this hidden dimension?

This is, of course, pure speculation. But, who knows? Sometimes out of such speculation and beyond-the-boundaries thinking, new and fruitful ideas come.

This is a brief series of posts exploring the idea of the fifth dimension as it relates to my understanding of Biblical and Christian theology. In the first, we’ll speculate about heaven and the meaning of the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden. Then we’ll explore the fifth dimension in relation to the Spirit and Incarnation. The next…



Gerald R. Baron
Top-Down or Bottom-Up?

Dawdling at the intersection of faith, science, philosophy and theology.