Math and the Unreasonableness of Understanding

Gerald R. Baron
Top-Down or Bottom-Up?
8 min readFeb 28, 2021


This is number 14 in a series of posts called The Case Against Physicalism. The purpose of this series is to explore all the reasons why physicalism is most likely wrong. I am defining physicalism as the philosophical belief that nothing exists beyond physical matter and the forces that control it. Here we explore what has been called the unreasonableness of mathematics in enabling us to understand our universe.

Image: Wikipedia. I find this Nobel laureate physicist fascinating and not only because of an uncanny resemblance to my grandfather. He was a pioneer of quantum mechanics and made many important contributions. His observation of the miracle of mathematics and his appreciation for that gift is considered in this post.



Gerald R. Baron
Top-Down or Bottom-Up?

Dawdling at the intersection of faith, science, philosophy and theology.