Spirit as the Breath of Life

Gerald R. Baron
Top-Down or Bottom-Up?
12 min readJan 24, 2022


Photo by Arun Sharma on Unsplash

This is the fourth in the series on the Spirit, identified with the Biblical Holy Spirit. The previous posts introduced the topic and identified five aspects explored in this series:

  1. Third Person as Deed
  2. Creator and sustainer of inanimate creation
  3. Animating life force
  4. Spiritual life force
  5. Universal consciousness

This post explores the Spirit as the animating force of life.

Life is one of the truly great mysteries of the universe. Our knowledge of the mechanisms of life have grown to an incredible degree and yet, the more we know it seems the greater the mystery becomes. This is true of the simplest forms of life such as one celled creatures, and even more true of the great mystery of the origin of life. We simply do not know how inanimate stuff turned into something that lives.

Current physicalist scientists and media outlets continue to make false claims about abiogenesis suggesting the questions are all nearly resolved. This is how Brian Greene characterized it in Until the End of Time and how “ScienceTechDaily” routinely reports on progress on this front. A recent example was titled “Profound Discovery of Origins of Life on Earth — Evolution of Metal Building Proteins.” We won’t get into how this “profound…



Gerald R. Baron
Top-Down or Bottom-Up?

Dawdling at the intersection of faith, science, philosophy and theology.