The Search for Unity

Gerald R. Baron
Top-Down or Bottom-Up?
16 min readNov 29, 2021


Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Can the deep divisions that haunt us find possible solutions in a worldview that integrates faith, spirituality and science? This suggests a direction.

Is there anything more urgent for us than the search for unity?

We are split by deep divisions in so many ways, far beyond our tragic political divides. In science today there is the huge gap between the classical understanding of the world and the quantum. Are any in science and philosophy OK with this? I think not. Scientists and philosophers from the early days of the scientific age promoted a divide between science and religion and that deep split plays out in the hearts and minds of the vast majority in our Western cultures. Most believe in and trust science, but when it tells us there is nothing beyond matter and forces, we hold to our beliefs in transcendental realities. We are deeply divided even within our own hearts and minds.

Do these splits matter? We might answer that question by asking if anyone thinks that the chasm that separates our country politically is a good thing. Most people I know believe that it is dangerous, unhealthy and if not eased or mitigated will lead to conditions far more damaging to all of us and the future of our nation. Does it matter in science? It must when one looks at the billions poured into research aimed at a Grand Unified…



Gerald R. Baron
Top-Down or Bottom-Up?

Dawdling at the intersection of faith, science, philosophy and theology.