Five facts to explain why Bundesliga Football League is a must watch show

Nuno Oliveira
Top Level Sports
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2020



1. End of the Bayern Munchen hegemony

Yes, this is true. After the era os Pep Guardiola and Carlo Ancelotti, it seems that Bayern Munchen is prepared to lose their hegemony on Bundesliga. I´m not saying that the bavarians will not be the champions this year, but his defeat is near, very near to happen. Last year, Borussia sticks to the end and only two points separate the two teams. This year, Leipzig was joining the party for the trophy, and they’re staying for good.

2. Stadium Audience

Wow, this is insane. Take a look at the audience and the crowd. Bundesliga stadiums are full of people and in every game and every stadium we can expect a real surprise, but the facts don’t lie. Bundesliga 18/19 season as been able to get more fans in the stadium than the Premier League matches.

Bundesliga 18/19–43 447,3 fans per game

Premier League 18/19–37 194,7 fans per game

The reason? The tickets are cheaper, the number of goals per game is high (we’ll get to that in the next point) which means that the intensity of the game its developed, the hours of the game are more compatible with the average spare time of people, and better? We can drink beer and eat sausages for a good price!

3. Goals, goals, goals

Yes, we are addicted to the game, tactical expertise, different and efficient defensive approach, and so on. But in the end, we all want to see the goals happen, 2–1, 3–3, 4–3, 5–5. The goal is the final objective of the game and is what make us stand up of the couch to celebrate. Let’s go to the facts again, Bundesliga 18/19 offer us a 3,18 goals per match, this is outstanding. More than premier league gives us in the same season.

Bundesliga 18/19–3,18 goals per game

Premier League 18/19–2,82 goals per game

4. Intesity

In a fantastic interview given by Gonçalo Paciência, player at Eintracht Frankfurt, he talks about the differences of playing in the Bundesliga comparing to Portugal, we used a Portuguese expression like “epa, isto é cá um andamento”, for my non-portuguese readers, this expression means “Damn, this guy runs and plays like crazy”, something like that. Talking serious now, watching a game of Bundesliga is like a 30 minutes HIIT workout, the duels are super intense, the game is fast, there is quality decision-making and it’s entertaining like hell, enough for your girlfriend to says in a Saturday afternoon “this is fun”.

5. Scouting and IA –Artificial Intelligence

Let´s include a topic for the football geeks, (oh, that´s for me too), there is no other country working in football scouting like Germany does. Year after year new talent will appear in the Bundesliga, and Red Bull Lepzig is a proven case of that. Red Bull Company is playing an important part in the modern scouting (big data and predictive analytics) and uses Red Bull Salzburg like a monkey test, but if Lepzig is a real contender to the title, Red Bull is a guilty and charged.

About IA, better than talking about it, it’s to show it:

There is a space for artificial intelligence in football, no doubt. But this topic I will talk about it in other articles, there is a several football fields to run until we came close to IA.



Nuno Oliveira
Top Level Sports

Broadcast TV Business Developer and Storyteller, 26 years old. Data and Football. Can I have all the books of the world?