Take Me Home From the Ballgame, Take Me Home From The Crowd

Due to time concerns, that’s the end of the song

Jonathan Carey
Top Level Sports


Photo by Pierre-Etienne Vachon on Unsplash

I’m a baseball fan. My wife is not a baseball fan unless she’s watching our sons play, and that doesn’t really have anything to do with the game. When I told her about the new pitch clock rule she said,

“That sounds amazing!”

Well, sure it does, to someone whose main objective at a game is getting out of the stadium. She is a great singer, and would probably sound amazing singing Take Me Home From the Ballgame. I haven’t ironed out the lyrics after the first two lines, but it wouldn’t be too hard. Actually, we should probably end the song right there since we don’t want to be there any longer than necessary.

The last time we took the family to a big league game was a few years back. We got together with a couple of other families for a day game in Cincinnati. About two innings in my wife leaned over and said,

“Look at these people. They’re actually enjoying this.”

About two innings after that there was a 45-minute rain delay. She got a real kick out of that.

Now I love my wife, but I just know the baseball stadium isn’t where she wants to spend any time. Whether it’s two hours or four hours.



Jonathan Carey
Top Level Sports

Husband, father, assistant principal, and coach. Story-telling Christ follower. Top Writer in Sports. Here to inspire.