Get a slice of TOP pizza!

TOP AI Network Official
TOP AI Network
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2019

Bitcoin Pizza Day Activity Rules

On May 22 2010, a man traded 10,000 Bitcoin for two large pizzas. This is widely believed to be the first real-world transaction involving Bitcoin, and also the world’s most expensive pizzas. From then on, each year on May 22, crypto enthusiasts all over the world celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day to mark this event.

To celebrate this year’s Bitcoin Pizza Day, TOP is launching a Twitter activity. We’ve prepared 10,000 TOP Tokens, come get a slice of it!

How to participate?

1. Create a short video. The video should include a pizza element (doesn’t have to be a real pizza) and a wish for TOP Network.

2. Tweet the video and write: Get a slice of TOP pizza!

3. Follow and tag @topnetwork_top

4. Add these hashtags: #TOPPizza #BitcoinPizzaDay

What are the dates of the activity?

Tweeting: May 17-May 21 23:59 PST

Voting: May 22-May 24 23:59 PST

What are the prizes?

There will be 5 winners. Each winner will get 2,000 TOP Tokens.

We’ll contact the winners via Twitter PM. Prizes will be distributed as Telegram bounty bot points.

How will the winners be picked?

We will collect the videos submitted on Twitter and pick the best-quality ones to put up a vote in our Telegram group.

TOP 5 voted will get the prize!



TOP AI Network Official
TOP AI Network

TOP AI Network is a public blockchain that employs sharding technology and a three-layer network to support an AI model service market. >>>