TOP Mining Platform, Leading the Era of Diversified Mining

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Published in
6 min readNov 3, 2020


TOP Mining Platform

Since the birth of Bitcoin, the digital currency mining industry has gradually emerged. From the initial Bitcoin mining to the mining of major public chains, to the current liquidity mining that has spread throughout the entire blockchain circle, mining methods are becoming more and more complex. Faced with countless mining projects and cumbersome mining processes in the market, many investors are hesitated and even rejected by the unfriendly mining threshold.

Many investors interested in the mining industry are looking for a simple and easy-to-operate mining method. The huge mining market seems to be waiting for a one-stop mining platform to fill the gap. It is in this industry background that the TOP mining platform was born, which not only brought a brand-new mining method to most miners, but also opened the door to the mining industry for many small investors. Currently, the TOP mining platform mainly includes three major sectors: TOP Staking, Filecoin (IPFS) mining and HiWallet DeFi mining.

TOP Staking — Low Entry, No Risk, High Return

TOP Staking

TOP Network is a decentralized blockchain ecosystem composed of 4th-generation public blockchain, decentralized Apps (DApps) and decentralized communications services.

TOP Chain, the public blockchain infrastructure underpinning the entire decentralized ecosystem is the world’s first full-state sharding public chain and a high-performance platform for large-scale DApps.

TOP Staking is a mining method based on the consensus mechanism of TOP Chain. It not only allows users who participate in mining to get returns, but also plays a role in ensuring the safety of TOP Chain.

There are two characters in TOP Staking: voter and node. Currently, we have three types of node: Edge, Validator, and Advance. Each type of node has different functions, and the rewards are different.

The biggest advantage of TOP Staking is low threshold, no risk, and high return. Users only need to prepare a small amount of TOP to participate in TOP Staking. Moreover, the token that users participate in staking have always been in user’s wallet, the private key is only controlled by the user, which truly eliminates the risk of asset loss. If the user chooses to become a node to participate in mining, they can obtain higher mining revenue. Especially for users who participate in the mining, based on the current token price, the expected ROI of mining returns is 491.52%.

More importantly, unlike old public chains such as EOS, there is no limit to the number of nodes on the TOP Mainnet, and they can join or exit at any time. Therefore, TOP Staking is a mining method that is truly suitable for all people to participate.

Of course, TOP Staking is only a small part of the entire TOP ecosystem. At present, TOP Network has initially formed an ecological matrix, which includes communication applications with over 100 million users, HiWallet, Games, TOP Staking, IPFS mining, DeFi aggregation mining and many other contents will become a richer ecosystem in the future. All users participating in the TOP ecosystem can obtain corresponding TOP ecological privileges when participating in a series of products launched by TOP.

TopIPFS Mining — IDC-5 Room in Silicon Valley with the Highest Mining Efficiency

TopIPFS Mining Machine

TopIPFS mining is another important sector of the TOP mining platform. It is the IPFS mining business under Top Blocks, which provides users with professional Filecoin mining equipment and mining machine hosting services.

With the successful launch of the Filecoin mainnet, distributed storage has become the most promising hot spot in the blockchain field. Compared with traditional centralized storage, distributed storage networks can store data more securely and transparently to achieve lower prices and have considerable market potential.

Because of this, the Filecoin’s mainnet has been sought after by miners before it was launched, and it has set off another wave of mining boom after Bitcoin mining in the mining industry. Top Blocks took the opportunity to launch the Filecoin mining service through TopIPFS, not only providing investors with top-of-the-line mining machines and operation and maintenance services, but also creating professional mining pools to provide custody services.

Compared with other mining machine manufacturers, the biggest advantage of TopIPFS mining pool is that it is located in Silicon Valley, North America, where the mining efficiency is the highest in the world, which effectively guarantees the mining efficiency of TopIPFS. At the same time, TopIPFS Silicon Valley’s 5A-class IDC room and up to 99.99% service availability (SLA) ensure that TopIPFS mining pools can mine efficiently and stably. More importantly, TopIPFS, an overseas one-stop mining service, completely avoids policy risks. From a long-term perspective, the future demand for data storage and retrieval in Silicon Valley in the United States will be far greater than that in China, which has huge market potential.

The layout of the computer room as far away as North America, coupled with the ultra-high configuration of mining machines and expert-level operation and maintenance team, made the efficient mining capabilities of TopIPFS miners in the first round of Filecoin space competition. At that time, the effective packaging of TopIPFS mining machine for every $10,000 invested was 7T, far exceeding the 3.5T of the well-known head mining pool. After continuous and in-depth software optimization by the TopIPFS R&D team, the packaging speed can be doubled on this basis, further shortening the return period.

In addition, the mining efficiency of TopIPFS mining machine is also outstanding. In the first round of the space race, the 24-hour mining efficiency of 1T computing power reached an astonishing 0.9 FIL! The 24-hour mining efficiency of other nodes was generally around 0.5 FIL, even the node ranked first in the entire network was only 0.56 FIL .

HiWallet DeFi Mining-A Weapon with Low Threshold to Participate in DeFi

HiWallet DeFi Mining

In 2020, the concept of DeFi is on the rise, especially the liquidity mining among them, which has achieved wealth creation myths one after another, making many investors in the circle excited and eager to try. However, the threshold for participating in liquidity mining is extremely high, which is difficult for ordinary investors to handle. Especially with the continued popularity of liquid mining, the handling fees of Ethereum have also skyrocketed. Even if small investors successfully participate in liquid mining, they are at a loss due to the high gas fees. Therefore, liquidity mining has gradually become a game for big players.

HiWallet DeFi mining is a large section of TOP mining platform designed for various investors to participate in DeFi mining. It implements a decentralized one-click proxy investment business based on smart contracts on Ethereum, which greatly simplifies the process of participating in Defi investment for users and is suitable for investors of any level.

In addition to low thresholds, HiWallet DeFi mining also has the advantages of 0 risk and high returns. Because it adopts the form of smart contract, HiWallet DeFi mining effectively eliminates the possibility of man-made evil and can effectively protect the security of user assets. While eliminating asset risks, users can also obtain a minimum of 15% annualized income, making it the best choice for ordinary investors to participate in DeFi mining!

HiWallet, as a TOP ecological wallet, is also a truly decentralized digital asset wallet. Currently, it supports multiple main chains such as BTC, ETH, EOS, FIL, DASH, and LTC. In the future, with the further layout and enrichment of the TOP ecosystem, HiWallet will introduce more functions to ensure the safety of investors’ assets and realize asset appreciation.

The emergence of the TOP mining platform indicates that the mining industry has begun to evolve from single mining to aggregate mining, from professional participation to universal participation. TOP mining platform will surely lead the mining industry into an era of diversified mining!



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TOP Network

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