TOP Network Biweekly Report: February 7, 2024 -February 20, 2024

TOP AI Network Official
TOP AI Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2024

Technical Progress

  1. Open Source Project — TOP Game Framework — Frontend:
    After communication with our partners, they agreed to open source the game lobby code that was previously delivered after desensitization. Due to the complexity of desensitization work, only the frontend part of the code has been open-sourced at the moment. With this code, developers can relatively easily construct their own game lobbies, integrating multiple H5 games, directly adjusting and invoking the included task module, customer service help module, and reward activity module. Given the more intricate service logic in the backend, the open-source release for that part is planned for a later date.
  2. Data Consistency Check in TopScan Display
    In response to feedback from community members, we identified a redundant field, recv_tx_num, across two extended versions of TopScan on the account list page and account details page. This redundant field causes incorrect cumulative transaction counts to be displayed for some addresses in the account list. The modified version was released early this week.
  3. Adjustment of Test Environment for Cancun Upgrade
    We have updated the Geth and ETH2 full nodes in the environment, and the update of the cross-chain relayer component will be slightly more complex, involving updates to dependency packages and adjustments to environment integration. Currently, the process is proceeding orderly, and next week, we will attempt the coding work for block verification for the cross-chain check.

Open Source

Topia Wallet is now officially open source. Community members and developers can find the corresponding code on GitHub. Topia is a decentralized Chrome extension wallet that supports multiple chains and is easy to use. It also supports staking for $TOP and $FIL. TOP users can participate in TOP staking on computer using the Topia Wallet, and participate in mainnet voting to earn rewards.

The code is available at

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TOP AI Network Official
TOP AI Network

TOP AI Network is a public blockchain that employs sharding technology and a three-layer network to support an AI model service market. >>>