TOP Network Community Sticker Design Competition is ON!

TOP Network Official Account
TOP Network
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2018

Following the birth of TOP’s mascot Toppie, the adorable giraffe with T-shaped ears saying hi to our Telegram group members every day, TOP Network, the high-performance public blockchain provider, is going all out to spark creativity in our community.

We want you to be part of the design team and spread your creative ideas to the world. That’s why we’re bringing out TOP Network Community Sticker Design Competition! Share your impressive design work like stickers and GIFs about TOP Network to win up to 2,200 token rewards!

TOP’s mascot Toppie


1st Place: 1,000 tokens (1x)

2nd Place: 600 tokens (3x)

3rd Place:300 tokens (6x)

Honorable Mention: 100 tokens (50x)


Dec. 11 — Dec. 18: Send your work to along with your name, phone number, nationality, TOP Network bounty bot UID, Telegram username and description/slogan of your work.

Dec. 19 — Dec. 20: TOP Network team select 60 nominees in the first round.

Dec. 21 — Dec. 27: Community members vote for final winners. (We highly recommend nominees ask for votes in the Telegram group!)

Dec. 28 — Dec. 29: TOP Network team vote for final winners.

Dec. 30: Winner Announcement!


1. TOP Network provides basic materials for design including logos, mascot images, and stickers. Feel free to download the design kit here.

2. Your designs should be relevant to the values or features of TOP Network, such as decentralization, high-performance, communication, public-chain, high-TPS, etc. (Learn more about our mission? Check out here.)

3. No requirements on the size of your works, but we prefer square images/GIFs between 200px*200px and 512px*512px.

4. File formats can be JPEG, PNG or GIF.

5. No inappropriate, offensive or illegal content.


1. Each participant can submit up to 3 files.

2. TOP community members and TOP Network team will make the final decision on winners. Votes from each party are counted equally.

3. Voting process starts from Dec. 21 to 27. We highly recommend participants ask for votes in our Telegram Group.

4. Participants agree and authorize the community members to share their work in the community for non-commercial purposes.

5. TOP Network reserves the right to final interpretation.

No creative ideas yet? Share the campaign with your talented friends and win competitive rewards together!



TOP Network Official Account
TOP Network

TOP Network is a decentralized blockchain ecosystem composed of public blockchain, DApps & decentralized communication. Website: