Top financial software companies

Alex Winchester
4 min readNov 13, 2019

Top-notch financial software development companies can provide you with a secure and reliable system to predict the actives’ fluctuations, prevent fraud, and streamline day-to-day operations in the financial sector.

Working in IT for many years, I often met clients who didn’t know where to find a good developer and addressed companies that disappointed them. I decided to make my own independent ranking of the top 10 IT companies to help them and you to make the right decision.

  • First of all, I’ve collected 50 market leaders, working with functional and nonfunctional programming and implementing in their project such advanced technologies as Blockchain, ML, DL, etc.
  • Secondly, I dismissed all the companies who have some contrary client’s reviews.
  • And finally, I’ve normalized the best 10 with a weighting factor to set all of them in the row based on their achievements, client satisfaction, the complexity of the used technology stack, client’s retention rate, software error-free performance and overall level of the staff’s proficiency. Below, I present to you my top of the developers with the highest scores.

Top 10 financial software developers worldwide

1. Serokell — 9.5

Serokell is an international fintech company. The agency is famous for the invention of the own cryptosystem and the implementation of advanced encryption technologies. Their expertise is supported by participation in multiple top science conferences dedicated to functional programming. The portfolio of the company includes projects implemented in Haskell, C++, Elixir, Nix, Agda, etc. Level of the client’s loyalty — top.

2. Exadel — 9.0

Exadel delivers financial programs and software for years. They develop from scratch functional and intuitive commercial software for e-commerce and accounting. This custom software developer has a high rate of the clients’ review and implements the latest advances in science into practical high-performant solutions.

3. Velvetech — 9.0

Velvetech is a digital company that makes both custom software and distributes off-the-shelf programs. They have been developing software for banks, proprietary trading companies, hedge funds, and credit unions for more than 15 years. Thanks to their knowledge of the financial environment, they manage to deliver tailored banking and commercial applications to fight the challenges the majority of firms face. Level of client satisfaction — high.

4. OpenXcell — 8.5

OpenXcell creates software and applications for various industries; however, their expertise in financial programming remains the most comprehensive. They help financial startups and enterprises enhance the accuracy and security of their services by developing and implementing flexible software & application for banking, financial services, and insurance industries.

5. Segue technologies — 8.0

This IT company is at the top in what concerns modernization and redesign of financial enterprise applications and providing effective customer community management. They create tools that help banks and legacy companies grow and develop.

6. Steelkiwi — 8.0

Steelkiwi creates software on-demand across several different industries, including accounting, banking, and insurance. They develop programs that facilitate the modernization of enterprise systems and aid business process automation. The focus of the company is on meeting individual operational requirements and leveraging the latest software technologies.

7. CIS — 7.5

CIS delivers first-class technology to banks and financial institutions worldwide. They make banking software for accounting and data analytics, mobile wallets, mobile applications, predictive investment systems, do cryptocurrency development more. CIS focuses on digital adoption by financial companies applying automation, cloud computing, AI-empowered analytics, and customer support for user experience beyond ordinary.

8. LD studios — 7.5

This software development firm specializes in creating customized programs for credit unions, loan associations, lenders, e-commerce, and so on. They are a team of experts in development that implements cutting-edge technologies and combine it with attention to details and decades of software engineering experience. LD studios delivers programs that modernize the enterprises’ infrastructure, flexibility, and responsiveness.

9. Simpalm — 7.0

Simpalm creates applications and web solutions for financial institutions and legacy firms. They implement their expertise in front-end and back-end development to serve the e-commerce industry and banks with top-notch B2C and B2B apps, integrated systems, accounting tools, and CRMs. They have proven experience in establishing content management systems, online stores, reporting, and analytics web platforms.

10. DevTeam.Space — 7.0

DevTeam.Space is a community of developers proficient in using AI and Machine Learning technologies to benefit financial businesses. Their mission is to encourage companies to provide a great experience to their customers providing products for analytics, data management, and business automation.

Whether your top business priority is to check the creditworthiness of the customer, discover transaction patterns, predict market fluctuation trends or apply AI against fraud, the financial software development company is the place you are going to address. Feel free to choose a proven developer from this list and enjoy the collaboration with real professionals.

