Step-by-step tutorial , Staking Pool — DragonStake

Top Staking Tutorials | DragonStake
3 min readJan 18, 2024


Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to delegate your staking to the DragonStake Pool.

1. Polkadot Dashboard
Go to Connect your wallet, click on “Accounts,” and select the wallet you want to delegate your DOT tokens with.

2. Select Pool
In the left-side menu, choose “Pool.” When you’re in the window, use the search bar to find DragonStake, click the heart ♡ icon to add it to your favorites.

3. Select “Join”
On the dashboard, you’ll see a “+create” button if you want to create a pool. Otherwise, look for “Join” and click on that option.

4. Choose the Pool You Want to Join
In the explorer, search for DragonStake, and click on “Join.”

5. “Join Pool”
In this step, select the amount of DOT you want to add to the pool. Remember, there is no minimum in pools. The dashboard will display the available DOT amount and the maximum amount you can delegate. Choose the amount and click “Submit,” confirm the transaction, and your DOT tokens will be in the pool.

Before delegating Polkadot, here’s what you need to know:

-While your tokens are delegated, they will remain locked in your custody.

To stop staking, you can initiate an “unbond” action for your tokens, indicating your intent to discontinue the staking process. Subsequently, a 28-day countdown period commences. Upon completion of this unbonding period, your tokens will be released and made available automatically.

For Polkadot, there is a minimum requirement of 250 DOT to stake individually, but when using our Pool #69, there is no minimum threshold.

