6 UX Bootcamps For Future Designers

Echo Yiran Xu 😃
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2021


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What is the first name that came to your mind when mentioning UX Bootcamp?

General Assembly! Springboard! Designlab! CareerFoundry!

Yes, you are right! Those are the most popular worldwide with the longest history. The good news is as the market is continues growing, a lot more new UX Bootcamp you can choose from other than the traditional four.

Let’s see what they are:

1. UX Design Institute

The UX design Institute was established in 2017, which has a broader remit to deliver in-depth UX education and certification. Their goal is to bridge the global skills gap in UX design and provide a career pathway for UX designers.

2. Wyncode

Wyncode is 12-week online/in-person UX Bootcamp acquired by BrainStation. BrainStation Education is licensed (not accredited) by the Florida Department of Education’s Commission for Independent Education. Wyncode…

