FAQ about the artist applications

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8 min readMay 16, 2021

How to apply an artist/label on TopBidder?

Crypto artists who are willing to mint their artworks on TopBidder are required to apply for certification. Certification has two types: primary certification and contract certification. For the primary authentication, the artists just need to sign the Twitter account with ETH wallet. After the signature is submitted and verified, the artist’s ETH address and Twitter account are automatically bound. After this step, the artworks can be published. However, if you want to mint certified artworks, contract certification procedures are required.

After the artist has passed the contract certification, the certified artist icon will be displayed in the website. And all the certified artworks have the certification icon too. Meanwhile, the certified artist has the ability to issue works with the $BID distribution authority once every 30 days.

TopBidder will provide artists with the tools to upload their works, and the metadata of the works will be recorded through IPFS. The introduction page of each work contains the artist’s address, artwork information, metadata on IPFS, and issuance timestamp which are used to verify the authenticity of the work.

How does the work enter the homepage and public area of the website?

The artworks that created by the contract certification artists will automatically enter the public area after the content review of the artwork. For artists who have not meet the condition of contract certification, the works can be displayed on the artist’s page after passing the primary certification.

In the future, the dev team will provide all the artists with one-click deployment services for personal embedded widget on their website, so that they do not rely on bidder.top to display uncensored content and achieve more decentralization.

What are the certification standards for artists?

1. Fast certification: IF you have passed the artist certification on the superRare / knownOrigin / makersPlace, then you can directly pass the TopBidder contract certification. Especially for the top 500 artists (approximately US$25,000 in sales) of the total value of their artworks.

2. Social media authentication: If you have a history of more than one year of continuous artworks release on art platforms such as Twitter / Instagram / ArtStation / Behance, has a certain popularity and fan base, and the account is in a state of frequent interaction with collectors, fans and other artists.

NOTE: never use a temporarily registered Twitter to apply for an artist. This will prevent the collectors from identifying the author and confirming the authenticity of their artworks. In this situation, the contract verification application cannot be passed.

3. Accreditation Committee: recommended by professors and curators from well-known art schools such as the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Students or graduates of professional art schools, such as the Art University of Chicago, Rhode Island School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts, etc., can apply for certification through this way.

How long is the review period for artist certification?

The contract certification will be completed within 24 hours after the artist completes the primary certification. For artists who have not been certified, the certification team will continue to follow up on the release status of artists’ works, and automatically certify the artists who meet the standards every month.

What is the difference between the rNFT issued on the TopBidder platform and the NFT issued by Opensea?

Registering an artist on TopBidder essentially generates an rNFT minting contract controlled by the artist. rNFTs minted by this kind of contract will have a self-pricing function and can be used as the first choice for artists to publish their artworks.

The rNFT based on TopBidder is fully compatible with OpenSea, Rarible, Showtime and other NFT content display or third-party trading platforms, but in addition, the artist also has the autonomy of the future income of the artwork, regardless of whether the artist has passed the contract certification.

What is the content review principle?

Our platform (specifically refers to the platform services under the bidder.top domain name) respects the artist’s creative freedom, but the artworks published by the artist must comply with the laws of the country where it is located. All works published on our platform will be reviewed by the content team for basic review, and the approved works will appear on the public area.

TopBidder itself, as an rNFT issuance and bidding agreement, can be used in all NFT trading and display platforms. The issuer can issue rNFT on our platform and bid or display it on other platforms, even if it has not been reviewed by the platform. In this way, the publisher can determine the presentation form of their artworks, including music, video, vox models or other formats. Meanwhile, the content review will be handed over to other platforms.

Do you plan to provide an SDK that enables artists to deploy auction services on their personal websites?

There is such a development plan. TopBidder is a radical auction protocol and not only a service on bidder.top. As long as you register as an artist on our platform, you can deploy the TopBidder auction service on your website by integrate our SDK.

At the same time, you are also responsible for the authenticity and legality of the content on your website. It is even possible to issue NFT assets other than cryptoArts.

What is a label and how do I apply for a label?

The label is an agency of the artists, helping the artist’s artwork in NFTs’ minting, curation, and promotion. Unlike the artists, labels have only one type: contract certification. The audit standards for label certification are more stringent. It needs to have a good credit record on the mainstream NFT trading platform or cryptoart issuance platform, or be a certification agency such as a gallery or auction house that is well-known in the field of traditional art.

For the revenue of the artworks minted by the label, it will be directly paid to the ETH address bound to the label, and the label will then settle the proceeds to the signed artists. This step of settlement between the label and the artist has nothing to do with our platform. Labels can save artists from learning blockchain technology knowledge and focus on creation, while the labels can upload works, curate, promote, and settle the revenue for the artists. If an artist wants to directly mint artworks on the platform, he/she can also apply for artist certification. There is no connection between the artist’s identity and the identity under the label, and the two can coexist.

Could anyone besides artists issue rNFT?

Yes, as long as the content complies with the law, our platform does not limit the scope of the content to be distributed. However, it should be noted that issuers who have not passed the contract certification do not have the right to issue $BID tokens, and the homepage and public area of the website will only display the artworks of contract certified artists.

Even so, issuers with non-artist status will have their own pages, anyone who knows the link to the page can enter the issuer’s page and browse or bid rNFTs minted by this issuer.

How about the cost of artist contract creation and rNFT issuance?

To apply an artist (primary certification), you only need to bind a personal Twitter. After binding, it takes about 4.5 million gas to establish a personal rNFT minting contract, which is about 0.18 ETH in the case of a gasprice of 40 gwei. After the artist’s application is approved, the minting cost of each rNFT in the future will require approximately 300,000 gas, which is worth 0.0135 ETH. As long as the first auction of 0.05 ETH is completed, the artist can recover the minting cost. The costs incurred by the above operations are owned by the miners of the Ethereum blockchain and have nothing to do with TopBidder.

To apply an artist, you need to determine the artist name and NFT symbol as the token name and token symbol of the issuance contract. Once published, these two information cannot be changed. Please double check before initiating the artist registration transaction. The best practice is to name your NFT symbol with 2~4 letters in order to compatible with other NFT platforms. After the artist minted the rNFT, the content of the artwork will be published on the blockchain and cannot be changed without governance’s help. Please confirm the final content in the work preview page before publishing.

How to choose the shooting time for publishing artworks?

You need to set aside a certain amount of time for content review, otherwise there will be situations where the bot rushes to shoot and the artwork has not been finished reviewed. The default setting of our platform is 1 hour after the current time, but it is generally recommended more than 8 hours. At the same time, be careful not to setting this value too long from now or your work will act as a traditional NFT until the bidding starts in the future.

What is the trend of the price of artworks with BID issuance?

Artworks with $BID minting permissions will enter a state of rapid price increase at the beginning, which is determined by TopBidder’s system mechanism. The price of artwork in the early times is much lower than the expected price of the market, the $BID incentive will speed up the process of price discover. The cold start of the artwork is generally completed within 20 minutes since the start bidding of the artwork, and the subsequent price growth of artworks depends on the discovery of the market and the growth of the artist. As the artist’s reputation increases, the price of the work will gradually increase over time.

How often can I publish artworks with BID permissions?

30 days, it is related to the transaction time of the artist’s last release of the artwork with the $BID permissions, and has nothing to do with the time whenever the artworks start bidding. For the label, it also needs to meet the rule that each artist can only publish one artwork with $BID permission once every 30 days.

What factors affect the auction price of artworks?

The quality of the artwork, the preferences of the collectors, the shooting time, the popularity of the artist, and other factors are comprehensively determined. The early price does not represent the future potential of the artwork. As the artist’s popularity increases, the market will rediscover the early works created by the artist and raise them to the price level that the market should have. At the same time, this will bring the artist new premium income through the rNFT mechanism.

What are auction bots and what are their functions?

A bidding bot is a code that directly interacts with Ethereum to perform batch transactions at a speed beyond the abilities of people. For artworks with $BID minting permission, it is often possible to see the bot’s rapid price increase in the early times. In the future, bidding bot can also meet the needs of collectors to quickly increase the price of artworks, fill the gap between the collector’s custom bid and the current price to make sure they can own this artwork.

Can the artist/label change the bound ETH address?

It cannot be replaced. Once the artist’s issuance contract is created, the stakeholder has been fixed. Once the Metamask wallet crashes, the private key can be lost or stolen and the artist can not receive future earnings.

Be sure to back up your Ethereum mnemonic or private key to a safe offline location. You can use the hardware wallet combined with the mnemonic steel board for multiple backups, and then use the hardware wallet in Metamask to apply an artist.

How to change the personal Twitter address?

In principle, artists are not allowed to change their bound Twitter, however if the original Twitter is restricted, you can send an email to support@topbidder.org to apply for new account binding, and our team will manually change the artist’s Twitter.

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Topbidder is a radical auction protocol for crypto assets (NFTs). The bidders can earn ETH during the auctions and get governance tokens BID https://bidder.top