Meet Some Of The Internet’s Happiest Shoppers

Tophatter Discovery
The Tophatter Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2017

Meetings aren’t usually the most fun part of your workday, but there’s one kind of meeting everyone at Tophatter looks forward to—customer calls.

Once a week or so, members of the Tophatter team get together to ring up a few of our shoppers to say hi. We ask how they learned about Tophatter, what they like to buy, and what else, other than winning Tophatter auctions and getting great deals, makes them smile.

Ring ring! Tophatter calling!

These calls are a big way we learn how to make Tophatter better, and they’re the best way to remember why we like coming to work every day — to make our users as happy as we possibly can.

We’re working on lots of ways to show off our happy customers, we couldn’t resist giving you a sneak peek at a few of the real shoppers we’ve met lately.

If you just ordered for the first time or you’re thinking of taking the plunge, we can’t think of any better way to get you excited for Tophatter than to introduce you to a few of our delighted and delightful users.

Carolyn Q. — Windsor, ON Canada

Nobody bids better than this grandmother.

Carolyn is a grandmother from Windsor, Ontario Canada who loves finding great gifts for her grandkids, but that’s not her whole story.

Carolyn describes Tophatter in one word: “Fabulous!”

You know what else she loves? Concerts, horror movies, and winning big, on Tophatter or at the casino. That’s right — this cool grandma is a bidding boss.

She says, “I found that a bidding war is a lot of fun.” Her advice for new Tophatter shoppers (and fellow casino fans), “Set a limit and don’t go over!”

Jonathan R. — Alexandria, AL

Tophatter lets Jonathan have his birthday every month.

Finding awesome gifts is a thing we hear Tophatter fans say they love about us over and over again, and Jonathan is a perfect example.

He calls Tophatter “fun and addictive”, and says the best thing he ever won was a ring he got for his girlfriend, one that he actually managed to surprise her with!

And speaking of gifts, he says,

“The experience is the fun of bidding on discounted items — and winning! And the excitement of opening your item when it comes in the mail. It’s almost like having a birthday for every item ordered.”

Dineshia H. — Jackson, MS

She found something perfect for her gifter self AND her gamer self.

The first thing we found out about Dineshia, who has been using Tophatter for four years, is that she and her mom are two peas in a deal-loving pod. “I found out about Tophatter from my mother. She loves it as well as I do!” she said.

Her best win so far was an awesome, old-school Sega Genesis with 90 games. But when we asked her what her favorite part of using Tophatter is, she couldn’t choose just one thing. She said,

“I’m always finding something that I really love, whether it’s for me or loved one. I would sum up Tophatter in one to two words by saying IT’S AWESOME!!

We have a sneaky feeling she and her mom give each other the best gifts.

Vanessa R. — Cary, IL

Where’d you get that amazing necklace? Tophatter, of course.

If you’re ever lucky enough to get to sit in on our customer calls, you’ll notice a theme — jewelry, jewelry, and more jewelry!

You won’t find a better accessorized person anywhere than a Tophatter jewelry lover like Vanessa.

She said, “I have won many items on Tophatter, from purses to electronics and art, but my items of choice are jewelry.”

Lucky for her family and friends, Vanessa doesn’t keep her favorite jewelry source to herself. She describes Tophatter in two words as “Quality bargains,” and she said,

“Whenever someone compliments me on a piece I’m wearing, I whip out my phone and introduce them to the world of Tophatter. A number of friends including my mother use the app now. Keep those bargains coming!”

You won’t be surprised to hear what category her favorite purchase ever was: a multicolored heart pendant with matching earrings.

What’s your favorite Tophatter win ever? We’d love to know! And be sure to keep an ear out for the phone. You never know when it might be Tophatter calling.

