Are you ready to coooooooook?

The Kitchen Gear You Have To Upgrade Before The Holidays

Tophatter Discovery
The Tophatter Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2017


How much time do you spend in the kitchen from November to January? ’Tis the season for big, celebratory meals, and for the family cook, those are a lot of work. Here’s there’s one way to make it easier: Before you get cooking, upgrade your kitchen gear!

If you’re a busy chef, you don’t have to make do with dull knives, potholders with holes burnt in them, and a meat thermometer that’s only kinda, sorta accurate. Tophatter doesn’t sell helpful kitchen elves (if only!), but we do have awesome deals on great gear to make your holiday cooking easier.

Check out our picks and click to shop and bid before the holidays are here!

Knives and Sharpeners

Sharp new knives for under $20? Yes, please!

Nothing gets kitchen prep done faster and easier than a good, sharp knife. But a lot of cooks end up hacking away with the same dull-as-a-spoon edge year after year.

Upgrade this essential with an affordable new set of super-sharp knives, or get a sharpener and easily improve the edge of your old favorite blade.


Ten bucks, cute and colorful, and no more burns.

Do your potholders look like they’ve caught fire once or twice (or five or six times, eep!)? Do you play “Don’t burn your hand through the thin spot!” every time you use them? We know the feeling.

Try our favorite silicone oven gloves. They’re so indestructible and heat-resistant, they seem downright luxurious, and who ever said that about potholders before

Kitchen Thermometers

The secret to a perfect turkey is a $16 (or less!) digital thermometer.

No matter how many turkeys you’ve roasted over the years, the risk of a dreaded dry bird is always there.

If you’re trying a fancy pork or beef roast, overcooking is even more tragic. There’s no need to rely on pop-up timers or timing charts when accurate digital thermometers are here. They’re a game-changer!

Measuring Cups

Buy them now for $16 or bid and get a steal.

Is there anything more irritating than reaching for a measuring cup during a crucial moment in the kitchen, only to discover that it’s dirty or missing altogether? Yeah, no fun.

You’ll love a new set of measuring cups, especially if they’re collapsable silicone that’s easy to store and wash. The cute colors are a fun bonus.

Kitchen Scales

Hello bakers! Digital kitchen scales start at $15 on Tophatter.

If a new set of measuring cups is a good gift to give a cook, a digital kitchen scale is the ultimate upgrade for bakers. They’re so accurate it will blow your mind, and your cookies and cakes will be more consistent than ever before.


Messy chefs, get on this. Take your pick from $5.

Messes happen, but if you’re wearing an apron, they don’t happen down the front of your favorite Christmas sweater. This is not the time for a frilly decorative thing; nope, something heavy duty and machine washable is your friend. Bonus: if you’re looking for help from your favorite little person, kids and grandkids love putting on an apron with you in the kitchen.

Spoon Rests

Heads-up again, messy chefs. This $6 spoon rest is dishwasher safe.

The most unfair thing about the holidays: after a big cooking project, you still have to clean up the kitchen. But if you have enough spoon rests, one thing you don’t have to do is scrub gravy prints off the stovetop and counters.

Dish Racks

Picture it—a clean and organized kitchen for under $20.

After the turkey is carved and the pie is sliced, you’ve got leftovers, good memories, and a mountain of dirty dishes.

When the dishwasher is past full and the sink still overflows, a good dish rack will make all the difference. You know what, get two, and the sink may never get full again.

