These 12 Coupon Influencers on Instagram will make you jealous of their deals.

Tophatter Discovery
The Tophatter Blog
Published in
9 min readNov 7, 2017


We all love getting a great deal. The excitement of finding something you crave and saving a ton of money is half the fun of shopping. Nobody does it better than these couponers. We have found the best coupon influencers on Instagram for 2017. They hustle harder than anyone else to save more than what most people think is possible. What they do with their savings and massive hauls is just as interesting as how they manage to get them!

These coupon hustlers get deals that Tophatter customers know all too well. Saving upwards of 90% on everything from beauty, apparel, cleaning supplies, and so much more!

Take a look at these impressive deal hunters and find out what they have to say about their passion:

#1 — @couponproblog

When did you start?

“I started couponing right out of college in 09'. At this time, the housing bubble already popped, the stock market crashed and it was difficult to find a job. I followed a few coupon blogs and discovered how much it really pays off. I was over my head in free toothpaste. And that’s when I started Coupon Pro. The rest is history”

Why do you love it?

“Well it’s really important for me to live a comfortable life and couponing allows me to do that. I’ve probably saved over $100,000 since I started. Couponing has also given me a platform to share my savings with hundreds of thousands of people on my blog and social media channels, especially Instagram. I’d say that’s my true purpose in all of this and definitely the most rewarding.”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“Wow there has been so many. The one that always comes to mind is a $11 Window AC I picked up from Walmart. It was so huge that it wouldn’t fit inside my car. With Summer around the corner, I ended up installing it inside my first investment home in California.”

#2 — _iamkeke23

When did you first start couponing?

“I started couponing in 2012.”

Why do you love it?

“I love it so much because I’m able to afford all the things my family need and more, while sticking to a budget.”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“My most memorable haul was when I got 400 Dawn dish soap Free & 200 All detergents for $1. I was also featured on the Bethany Show, she flew my husband & myself out to New York, we had a blast.”

#3 — @couponthang

When did you start?

“I started to coupon in August of 2014.”

Why do you love couponing?

“Why? Saving a lot of money is the main reason why. The fact that I can get stuff super cheap to free, I was mesmerized by it so much that I became extreme couponer at one point.”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“I would say my diapers haul. Two full days of work I acquired 70 boxes of Huggies diapers and 150 packs of Huggies. It was tiring, thrilling and most rewarding haul because I get to help family and friends and myself as my daughter was still in diapers at that time.”

#4 — @boink_coupner

When did you start?

“I started couponing back in June 2014. My daughter was 5 months old then and I already have a 4 year old son. I’m a stay at home mom. So I have to constantly find ways to budget our income while keeping up with my family’s needs. I scour the internet and papers for deals on diapers, shampoos, food etc. And that’s how I found about couponing.”

Why do you love couponing?

“I really love couponing because it allows me to buy the essentials but with a really, tremendous, discount. I get to provide without breaking the bank.”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“I have tons of memorable hauls. One of them is my first rodeo at couponing. I was able to buy 20 diapers at $9 per box. They normally cost $25 each. My all time favorite however, is my toilet and paper towel hauls! Parents out there can relate to the importance and necessity of having a lot of paper towels around! Imagine being able to stock on these gems for 70% of the regular price. You can build a whole fort with your haul for that great deal!”

#5 — @el_cheapo_couponer

When did you start?

“I’ve been couponing for a little over a year now.”

Why do you love it?

“I love couponing because of the rush it gives me. Never in my life have I imagined being able to walk out of a store paying .50 cents for a bunch of items. Can’t even get that deal at a flea market! I love the challenge of seeing how low I can get my total.”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“I’ve been able to score a lot of stuff for free but my favorite hauls are always diapers. A month into my couponing journey I was able to score 36 packs of diapers for $30.00 and gain some store money in return. At this point for me diapers are always free but I’ll always remember that moment. By saving money I am actually making money!”

#6 — @icatchdeals251

When did you first start couponing?

“I first started couponing December of 2014.”

Why do you love it?

“Couponing and clearance shopping is actually something I love to do! I love it because I can provide not only for my household, but for others in my family; as well as donate the items I do not need. There’s no greater feeling than being able to help those who need it most!”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“My most memorable haul was getting 100+ bottles of Johnson & Johnson for .07 each. Yes, .07! It’s my most memorable haul because I was able to help out other mothers who were in need while still being able to have enough stocked up for my one year old.”

#7 — @dealhuntingbabe

When did you start couponing?

“I started couponing in January of 2014.”

Why do you love couponing?

“I love couponing as a way to live a frugal lifestyle. Through couponing I have been able to get necessities that we use daily for free or very cheap. In return I have been able to save money for things we would like to splurge on such as traveling, date nights, and so much more! Couponing and deal hunting will change your life and I am here to share my wealth of knowledge to the community to help them save in return.”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“Wow, thats a tough question! I’ve had so many great hauls but it would have to be one of my holiday clearance hauls where I saved over $900 and spend around $90.”

#8 — @ch3rry_coupons

When did you start?

“I started couponing in 2012 a little bit after i married my husband. He was in the military at the time and i was a stay at home wife at the time and wanted to stretch out our income.”

Why do you love couponing?

“I love couponing because who doesn’t love getting brand name items for discounted prices using coupons. Also it gives me a thrill going to the store and getting tons of items that i need for low prices.”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“My most favorite haul and memorable haul is when i got 462 cesar dog trays for absolutely free at the military commissary for my two dogs. they were priced .50 cents and 1/2 coupon made made them free.”

#9 — @couponhustla_

When did you first start couponing?

“I started in 1999 when my son was born and money was really tight. I realized I can get items and make ends meet with out living paycheck to paycheck. My family was down to 1 income and I had to help with coupons, playing against the marketing companies and play the game to my advantage vs giving into the stores.”

Why do you love it?

“I feel it provides my family security and a foundation with our 4 years worth of laundry and paper products that I’m not worried I have to run to store because we are out of product.”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“My most memorable haul was able to get over 1000 canned food items for less than $6.00 and I was able to donate all to charity. I have always felt that one should always give back if you able to get items for free after coupons. Don’t keep for yourself if your already stocked up.”

# 10 — luv_2_coupon

When did you first start couponing?

“June 2013 I started couponing”

Why do you love it?

“I loved it for the thrill of being able to provide things my family needed at almost no cost and sometimes free”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“I picked up coupons from my local (fairy, why people call them that I don’t know lol) around 9:45 at night, drove an hour to hit Ralph’s (and affiliates) before they closed, using an early release/regional coupon $1/1 paper towel coupon. I was able to get a few hundred until the last 2 stores called each other and shut my operation down lol.”

#11 — @krizzaclipsqs

When did you start?

“I started couponing 2012. At first it was hard but eventually, it became easy.”

Why do you love couponing?

“I love and enjoy the rush that comes with couponing! Getting the deal before the store gets cleared, seeing the receipts of how much I saved or how much I made by buying that product that I will buy anyway is what makes it enjoyable!”

What’s your most memorable haul?

“The most memorable haul was back in 2015 when Target had a deal of Playtex Sport Pads for $3.99 and when you buy 3 you get $5 Gift card. There was a Bogo coupon that auto deducts $7.99 max value. So I got 6 and used 3 coupon, paid $0 And got $10 in gift card! I then donated more than half of what I got to women’s shelter.”

#12 — @savingwithvetta

When did you first start couponing?

“I started couponing early 2011”

Why do you love it?

“What’s not to love? Haha. I LOVE saving money. I love that once you build a stockpile over a certain amount of time, you can sit back and enjoy without worrying about spending on daily needs. I have been
living off my stockpile for the last year or so. All products (except food) that my family needs, I have in in my stockpile I got free or crazy cheap.”

What’s your most memorable haul?

While I have a few of them, I must say it would be my Albertson’s food
haul. I LOVE couponing for food. I mean, yes, we can get shampoo,
toothpaste, body wash free and cheap but food is harder. I remeber the
Albertson’s store brand coupon, we snagged tons of food free. Canned
goods perfect for storing, rice, bread, snacks and more. You can never
go wrong with getting food using coupons.”

These amazing couponers save themselves hundreds of dollars, and then many give back to those in need with their stockpile.

Make sure you follow these influencers to get crazy good deals at Kroger, Target, Walmart and more! They have tips and coupons on their Instagram feeds every day! And if you’re looking for great deals online download Tophatter and follow us @Tophattr.

