Tula’s Top 10 Life Lessons

Tula has been coming to Topic since the first day I picked her up from my friend Ryan at the Civic Garden Center. On her first day, a Friday, I think she was in shock. She was very chill, and one of my bosses mentioned that I should bring her into work every day. Whether he meant it literally or not I’m still not sure, but ever since July 4, 2010 she’s been coming to work.

Cheryl Besl
Topic Design


Many studies cite the benefits of dogs at work and owning dogs. In the Simplify feature in the March issue of Outside magazine, walk your dog is listed as a simple stress-relieving strategy twice! The Topic crew is already a pretty happy bunch, and if simply being around a dog can relieve stress, we should live a long time!

These are a few of the lessons I’ve learned from Tula over the years.

  1. Being outside is the best — make the most of it. Run as hard as you can, swim as far as you can, stop & smell the roses (or whatever flowers you like) often.’
  2. Going for a walk is always a good idea. A walk can clear your head and make you more productive and creative — important assets in our business.
  3. A good body shake can get rid of stress.
  4. With a smile and a tail wag, you’ll never know a stranger.
  5. Licks and kisses are welcomed by most people. They’re like hugs — you can never get enough of them.
  6. A nap, no matter where, is beneficial.
  7. Enjoy every meal.
  8. A good petting and rub down is the best.
  9. Free food isn’t always worth it.
  10. Persistence pays off.

Tula has introduced us to many of our neighbors, who stop by to say hi and giver her a pet. Visitors to our neighbors have also been greeted — a highlight for me was former Reds second baseman Brandon Phillips, who visited Ryan Kurtz for a Cincinnati Magazine photo shoot.

As with many things in life, I’ve received far more than I’ve given since bringing Tula home and I think my colleagues over the years would say the same.

Office dog Tula kisses our CEO Deanna Hengge.

Originally posted on topicdesign.com



Cheryl Besl
Topic Design

Client service and PR director at Topic, a web design, graphic design and public relations firm in Cincinnati. Runner, hiker, travel & bourbon lover.