Top 3 Freelance Writing Jobs, Work From Home Opportunities

Numra Haroon
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2021
You would celebrate every day if you are a freelancer!

Writing is one of the most popular freelance jobs as writers are the ones who get the most flexible gigs that allow them to work remotely. Of course, most of us already have writing, designing, and similar creative tasks as our hobbies, but have you ever thought about making money out of your hobby?

Did you know that in 2019, more than 130,000 jobs were held by authors and writers? Yes, that is true, your pen pals contribute towards 16.3% of the global economy, and according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 63% of the total writers and authors are self-employed.

So, if that gets you excited, do not worry; you are not alone. We all started our journey by looking at some ad or reading through an article to find out that this is something that we can do. Having a steady stream of income by mere assignments is something that can everyone wants. But where exactly to start?

Let me share with you that we have got great freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, but we also know that they do not produce valuable fruits overnight. You can find many online portals filled up with exciting freelance writing jobs work from home opportunities and quick money but the key is you should also know what to sell.

All you gotta do is find your comfy chair and do the work

So what are the top three freelance writing jobs, work from home opportunities? I would recommend the following ones.

  1. If you are a research geek, you can find research projects to work with and earn. Sometimes, you can choose a project of your interest to bid for.
  2. If you love content writing, you can bid for work pertaining to blog or SEO content writing. There is a lot of demand in each and every freelancing platform. You only need to have a good grip on vocabulary and be updated about the current SEO trends.
  3. Finally, if you are someone who enjoys academic writing, you can make money while learning from the subjects of others because these freelancing platforms have lots of academic assignments related projects on their portal.

All you need to take care of is the deadlines. Be compliant with the deadlines, and you will have an excellent second source of income in addition to getting your personal assignments done on time.

Have a happy weekend, Cheers!



Numra Haroon
Writer for

Not a Shakespeare, John Grisham or Stephen King — I share a trait with William Stafford when he says, “To get started, I’ll accept anything that occurs to me.”