Getting to Know Topl: Anna McGuffee, Chief of Staff

Paige Nicolaou
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2018

My name is Anna and I’m from Houston, Texas. I moved around growing up, but right now I’m in my third year at American University in Washington, DC. I joined Topl in May as the Operations Manager.

Getting Started with Topl

Like many of my co-workers, I came to Topl by happy chance; I was forwarded a recruitment email from one of our Founders, Kim Raath. I met Kim when I lived in Houston and the opportunity she presented sounded too good to be true. At the time I was looking for something to keep me busy over the summer, but now I am full-time invested. Although I admit to not understanding the crypto-space at first, I love the social-impact side of Topl and being on the frontier of a developing technology. I’m excited for the far-reaching positive implications of each.

When I first began, my job was largely clerical. I was hired as administrative support to help keep track of our many moving pieces. I booked flights, took meeting notes and helped organize bookkeeping. But as I have found my feet, I get to be more and more hands on, generating content and managing various projects, including a new website design! I work closely with our CEO Chris Georgen, as well as our designers and development team. Topl’s fast pace and constantly changing nature means thinking on my feet, taking on more responsibility, and being accountable and accessible to the rest of our team. I would not have thought that operations would be an exciting field, but I genuinely enjoy my job.

Why I Love my Job

Topl’s mission is ambitious, but it touches on a common thread for all people; we like to help each other.

The best part about this job is who I get to work with. Our whole team is motivated, engaged, and dedicated to the cause of enabling positive social impact through investment. I like them, trust them, and believe in them wholeheartedly. Topl’s mission is ambitious, but it touches on a common thread for all people; we like to help each other. By uniting social and economic interests, we not only create the infrastructure to do good in the world, we incentivize it. I am immensely proud of where we’re going and how we’re going to get there.

My favorite thing about Topl is how much fun we all have. Unfamiliar as I was with the crypto-space, the t-shirt and jean culture was a wonderful surprise. We work hard, but we tease each other too, which makes the work all the easier. Whenever we gather in a city there’s always great food and fun conversation. We support each other, period. This makes for an all the more pleasant work environment, and helps to keep us focused. We are united not necessarily in our passions but in our ambitions, and as a result I have no doubt that will achieve great success in promoting social impact.

To get connected with our team, and stay up to date on the latest Topl news, join us on Telegram, Twitter, and Instagram.

If you want to learn more about our our blockchain go to our GitHub.

