Topl Spotlight #28: Regeneration Over Extraction in the Gold Industry With Alternun’s Noach Kettler

Tereza Bizkova
Published in
6 min readNov 27, 2023

Topl Spotlight showcases innovators and changemakers who are reimagining economic systems through web3 technologies. Today, we’re excited to feature Noach Kettler Yakowitz, the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Alternun, enabling digital gold exploitation to help preserve natural resources. Noach combines strategic planning and business development skills with a passion for innovation in sustainable mining and digital asset exploitation.

Can you introduce yourself and talk about your experience in web3?

Hi, I’m Noach from Colombia! I started studying public administration but then set off on an entrepreneurial path. I’ve worked in diverse fields, from developing hydroponic systems in Israel to engaging in the diamond trade in New York. Most recently, I’ve been involved in the gold trade in Colombia’s Chocó and Antioquia regions, focusing on the mining industry.

My journey into web3 was unexpected. About five years ago, I first learned about Bitcoin and approached it with a degree of skepticism. However, as I began to explore and understand the technology, my perspective shifted. I began to see blockchain not as the “scammy crypto tech” many perceived it to be but as a tool with immense potential for real-world application.

A year ago, we started Alternun with the goal of harnessing blockchain to transform how gold is valued, using “digital exploitation” to move away from traditional mining methods. Our platform is designed to empower individuals, allowing them to actively participate in and influence our business, make impactful decisions, and earn monetary rewards.

What sparked your interest in the intersection of blockchain and impact?

What fascinated me about blockchain is its unique ability to democratize and accelerate change. And it’s not just for the tech enthusiasts or investors; it offers a platform where all people across interests — from business professionals to NFT artists and gamers — can find common ground and interact no matter their background or location. This inclusivity is key to fostering a diverse and robust community around impactful projects.

I really see decentralization as a key strength, removing the constraints of governments or central authority red tape. It’s a game-changer in enabling quick, effective responses to pressing issues, empowering communities and individuals to enact change without waiting for institutional approval. Naturally, this speeds up processes but also democratizes participation, giving voice and power to those often overlooked in conventional decision-making frameworks.

How does blockchain help redefine traditional economic systems?

The decentralization shift I mentioned can free us from traditional centralized powers, offering limitless opportunities for new governance and business models. Traditional systems often cater to a few, but blockchain changes the game, ensuring equal opportunities for all to develop and manage diverse projects. This isn’t just about changing the existing system; it’s about building new systems that reflect our collective values and aspirations.

Can you tell us more about Alternun?

Alternun is a protocol that reimagines gold as a tool for economic and environmental progress. Our approach allows people to use gold as collateral, not through traditional extraction, but by valuing the gold that remains unmined, in its natural state. This concept transforms gold into a secure store of value, aligning with its current global role.

What sets Alternun apart is how it uses the funds it gathers. Instead of traditional financial maneuvers, these funds are channeled into creating liquidity pools. These pools are a springboard for launching regenerative projects and initiatives that positively impact the environment and enhance the wealth of both our token holders and the wider community.

I saw how necessary this was while working in the Colombian mining industry. It’s not difficult to notice that towns rich in underground gold are paradoxically also the poorest, lacking basic amenities — hospitals, schools, or street lights — and living in constant stress due to the often unsustainable gold-driven economy.

But, at the same time, I also saw that the miners had a genuine concern for the environment. They’re aware of the damage caused by mining, yet in regions where gold is the only viable livelihood, they often don’t have any other options. Alternun aims to change this narrative by offering sustainable alternatives that benefit the community and the environment. Our goal is to create a viable, prosperous future for these communities, moving beyond the precarious day-to-day existence driven by gold mining.

How exactly is blockchain benefiting Alternun?

It’s all about trust and operational efficiency. It enables us to create liquidity pools that are fully managed through smart contracts. These smart contracts are crucial because they handle the entire process, from capturing the value of gold, based on studies and estimates, to managing the funds in the liquidity pools.

Everything we do with the gold resource is recorded and executed on the blockchain. This approach means that we don’t physically handle the money; instead, all financial decisions and transactions are automated and carried out by smart contracts. This ensures that there are no middlemen involved, guaranteeing transparency and integrity in every aspect of our operation.

What has been the biggest achievement and the biggest challenge of Alternun?

The greatest challenge for Alternun has been establishing trust. People generally have faith in centralized entities; for instance, if a bank claims to hold their gold, they believe it because such institutions have built trust over decades. Web3, being relatively new, carries inherent risks. Our challenge is to construct responsible structures that convincingly show people can safely invest in gold still under the ground. Another challenge is increasing awareness and interest in web3, particularly in South America, where many don’t have a digital wallet or knowledge about blockchain. Part of our mission is to onboard these individuals, helping them understand and engage with blockchain and Alternun.

On the flip side, I am happy about the relationships we have built with the mining communities. Whenever we introduce them to Alternun’s economic model, their reactions are incredibly positive. These miners, who have long been seen as “extractors,” now view themselves as guardians and stewards. The idea of capturing the value of unmined gold without environmental harm seems almost magical to them. They’re excited about the potential for new projects, from solar farms to eco-protected areas. This shift represents the essence of regenerative finance: changing life dynamics in these communities. Gaining the support of these communities and miners, who are typically tough to convince, reassures us that we’re really onto something. If you’d like to join us, this is our Discord link.

What do you want to see more of in the ReFi space?

We should look beyond just carbon and reforestation. They are vital, yes, but a range of issues, from water and seas to biodiversity, also need attention. In our experience within the gold industry, we’ve seen how there’s so much potential to bring innovative, regenerative solutions into traditional sectors. The goal is to apply this thinking more broadly, fostering solutions that address the diverse needs of humanity and the Earth.

What excites you the most about the future of web3?

I’m optimistic! As more industries embrace blockchain — banking, real estate, automotive — its potential as a transformative force is immense. The key here is education. It’s not just about leveraging blockchain for profit; it’s about enlightening people on its benefits, from enhancing transparency to improving traceability.

I’m excited to contribute to this, but our responsibility in the web3 space extends beyond just developing projects; it includes educating the public about both the benefits and the challenges. We all have a role to play in showcasing the positive aspects of web3 and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of its impact. Continuous engagement and education are crucial for innovation across industries.

Curious to learn more about Noach? Follow him on Twitter or find him on LinkedIn. And to explore similar content and stay up to date with Topl, make sure to join our Discord. 🍃



Tereza Bizkova
Editor for

Ecosystem Communications Manager at Topl. Enthusiastic about innovation & development. 🍃