Topl Spotlight #29: Creating Powerful Web3 Narratives With Educator Loch Gallagher

Tereza Bizkova
Published in
6 min readDec 4, 2023

Topl Spotlight showcases innovators and changemakers who are reimagining economic systems through web3 technologies. Today, we’re excited to welcome Loch Gallagher, an educator with a rich 20-year background in educational innovation, workshop design, and client strategy, who excels in translating data insights into actionable learning in tech and beyond. His work empowers organizations and individuals to innovate and thrive in an evolving digital economy.

Can you introduce yourself and talk about your journey into technology?

Hi, I’m Loch! I’ve spent the last 22 years in education, working primarily with K-8 schools and districts across the United States and abroad. My experience spans both public and private institutions, with a primary focus on promoting and enhancing STEM education and experiential learning for students and teachers alike. This path has enabled me to follow my passion for developing educational content and transformative school spaces to better equip young minds for the future.

My interest in technology has grown steadily over time, and this year, I took on a new role as a consultant with Topl. I had the pleasure of working with Topl’s brilliant engineering and growth teams to develop a workshop curriculum for developers in Asia. Stepping into the web3 space has been an extremely interesting career experience. I was familiar with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, but the deeper I delved into blockchain technology, the more I realized its potential to make a significant societal impact. I’m drawn to using this technology to help create positive change and to the challenge of educating others about its possibilities. I’m excited to help clear up common misunderstandings and make this technology accessible to a wider audience — not just a select few.

In your view, what are the biggest challenges in educating people about web3?

The main hurdle in web3 education is overcoming the skepticism bred by negative press. Words like “blockchain” and “crypto” often trigger thoughts of the malpractices reported in the news, overshadowing the technology’s positive aspects. This is compounded by high-profile incidents, such as the trial of SBF, which tend to dominate the narrative with themes of greed and fraud.

When I speak to people about my foray into web3, they often show immediate skepticism regarding the space. I feel like it’s a reflex born from a lack of knowledge rather than a true understanding of the technology’s potential. I can relate to this initial wariness; it was my general stance, too, before I learned more about the challenges and the benefits of blockchain. Therefore, it’s crucial to counteract the skepticism with informed discussions about the creative, positive, and empowering opportunities web3 offers, focusing on the technology’s potential to drive innovation and inclusivity.

How else do you think projects in the web3 space can work to overcome that?

Web3 projects often end up talking only to those who already know much about the field, which can create a kind of isolation. For most people, web3 still seems like a distant idea. To change that, it’s helpful to provide clear, everyday examples of what the technology can do, like how blockchain can make getting a loan in Vietnam easier or help ensure that farmers in Bolivia are paid fairly.

The technology itself is complex and not exactly user-friendly, making it tough for people to see how it adds up. Let’s face it; sometimes, there isn’t a good reason for them to dive in. When you start throwing around acronyms like DAO, NFTs, or ZK, your eyes glaze over. The goal isn’t to make everyone an expert but to show them the practical uses of blockchain, much like driving a car without knowing how to build one. It’s about practicality, making blockchain relatable to everyone’s daily life, especially for those not born into the digital age.

Negative media coverage doesn’t help, shaping many people’s views since they’re more likely to watch TV or read the paper than read through Reddit forums. Web3 has some convincing to do to win over the average person. Otherwise, it’s just the same tight-knit community talking in circles. People want to know what it is, why it matters, and how it’s better than what they currently have. It has to be easy to understand and use.

If blockchain is hailed as the “new Internet,” then it needs to be as inclusive as the Internet was meant to be. We have to figure out how to present these exciting ideas to those outside the web3 bubble. That’s the real challenge: spreading the word beyond our own borders and making it universally appealing.

What particular strategies would you recommend?

To welcome a broader audience into web3, we must tailor our educational strategies to their varied needs. With younger people, we might leverage their adaptability, but for older generations, we need to present web3 with a focus on practical benefits that resonate with their experiences. It’s crucial to ask: Is there a way to simplify the technology or create an educational path that’s both entertaining and informative?

Content like podcasts and articles has already proved effective, but the power of personal stories shouldn’t be overlooked. Conversations with real builders who prioritize value creation over profit can realign public perception, showcasing the positive community-building aspect of web3. This approach helps to bridge the gap between abstract technology and its human impact, highlighting the potential for collective progress rather than individual gain.

I also believe universities are another key channel. Starting with events and workshops can spark interest, leading to comprehensive courses in various disciplines like business and economics, not just IT. By engaging students from diverse fields and incentivizing participation across different blockchain platforms, we can lay a robust groundwork for a new generation fluent in the language and concepts of web3, ready to innovate and invite others in.

What’s something you’d like to see more of in the web3 space?

Inclusivity is something I’m passionate about, especially in the web3 space. It’s great to see so many women working at Topl and within the web3 industry, reflecting the changing demographics in STEM education. There has been a traditional gap where, at a certain point in their education, girls have steered away from paths leading to technical or mathematical careers. The reasons might be tied to entrenched gender roles, but thankfully, that’s evolving for the better, and I’ve definitely seen a distinct shift over the course of my career.

We should be doing even more to encourage young women to pursue these fields by exposing them to current professionals and mentors. I’m personally invested in this change; with two daughters of my own, I see the impact firsthand. My older daughter’s interest in computer science is not just about securing a good job — it’s also about being part of a vibrant and ever-evolving sector.

Supportive structures like peer groups and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are making a tremendous difference. They’re not just support networks; they’re leading the charge for change. In web3, where there’s a role for everyone, from development to content creation to partnerships to defining the cultural ethos, such spaces are crucial. They’re where everyone can discover how to make their mark, and that’s something we need more of.

What excites you the most about the future of web3 and technology?

The most thrilling aspect of web3 and technology for me is the drive towards creating a more equitable economy and financial system. It’s a concept that feels new and vital, yet it’s often overlooked outside the circles of web3. The possibility of bringing this discussion to the forefront is something I look forward to, especially the idea of introducing it to an increasing number of adolescents and other interested parties along the way. With many more dimensions of web3 yet to be explored, I’m hopeful these will emerge into the spotlight and play a significant role in shaping our future.

Curious to learn more about Loch? Make sure to follow him on LinkedIn. And to explore similar content and stay up to date with Topl, make sure to join our Discord. 🍃



Tereza Bizkova
Editor for

Ecosystem Communications Manager at Topl. Enthusiastic about innovation & development. 🍃